Using maggots in wound care: Part 2

Maggots Wound Care

By Ronald A. Sherman, MD; Sharon Mendez, RN, CWS; and Catherine McMillan, BA

Note From the Editor: This is the second of two articles on maggot therapy. The first article appeared in our July/August 2014 issue, Read part 1 here.

Whether your practice is an acute-care setting, a clinic, home care, or elsewhere, maggot debridement therapy (MDT) can prove to be a useful tool in wound care. But setting up any new program can meet resistance—and if you seek to establish a maggot therapy program, expect to meet significant resistance. By arming yourself in advance, you can achieve your goal more easily. This article covers all the bases to help you get your maggot therapy program off the ground. (more…)

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Case study: Bariatric patient with serious wounds and multiple complications

By Hedy Badolato, RD, CSR, CNSC; Denise Dacey, RD, CDE; Kim Stevens, BSN, RN, CCRN; Jen Fox, BSN, RN, CCRN; Connie Johnson, MSN, RN, WCC, LLE, OMS, DAPWCA; Hatim Youssef, DO, FCCP; and Scott Sinner, MD, FACP

Despite the healthcare team’s best efforts, not all hospitalizations go smoothly. This article describes the case of an obese patient who underwent bariatric surgery. After a 62-day hospital stay, during which a multidisciplinary team collaborated to deliver the best care possible, he died. Although the outcome certainly wasn’t what we wanted, we’d like to share his story to raise awareness of the challenges of caring for bariatric patients. (more…)

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2014 Journal: November – December Vol. 3 No. 6

Wound Care Advisor Journal Vol3 No6

Case study: Bariatric patient with serious wounds and multiple complications

Despite the healthcare team’s best efforts, not all hospitalizations go smoothly. This article describes the case of an obese patient who underwent bariatric surgery. After a 62-day hospital stay, during which a multidisciplinary team collaborated to deliver the best care possible, he died. Although the outcome certainly wasn’t what we wanted, we’d like to share his story to raise awareness of the challenges of caring for bariatric patients.

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pressure ulcer tracking tool

An easy tool for tracking pressure ulcer data

By David L. Johnson, NHA, RAC-CT As a senior quality improvement specialist with IPRO, the Quality Improvement Organization for New York State over the past 11 years, I’ve been tasked with helping skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) embrace the process of continuous quality improvement. A necessary component of this effort has been to collect, understand, and analyze timely and accurate data.…

Building an effective pressure ulcer prevention program

By Jeri Lundgren, BSN, RN, PHN, CWS, CWCN As a wound care nurse, do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders when trying to implement a pressure ulcer prevention program? Many staff members think it’s up to the wound care nurse alone to implement the program. However, a successful program requires involvement from all staff and is…

Case study: Bariatric patient with serious wounds and multiple complications

By Hedy Badolato, RD, CSR, CNSC; Denise Dacey, RD, CDE; Kim Stevens, BSN, RN, CCRN; Jen Fox, BSN, RN, CCRN; Connie Johnson, MSN, RN, WCC, LLE, OMS, DAPWCA; Hatim Youssef, DO, FCCP; and Scott Sinner, MD, FACP Despite the healthcare team’s best efforts, not all hospitalizations go smoothly. This article describes the case of an obese patient who underwent bariatric…

Clinical Notes: Radiation & Lymphedema, Decline in Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Radiation and lymphedema Radiation therapy doesn’t increase the incidence of lymphedema in patients with node-negative breast cancer, according to research presented at the American Society for Radiation Oncology’s 56th Annual Meeting held this fall.

Clinician Resources: United Ostomy Association, NGC, NCCN, Experts

Here is a list of valuable ostomy resources, some suggested by our colleagues who follow Wound Care Advisor on Twitter. United Ostomy Association of America The United Ostomy Association of America provides comprehensive resources for patients, including information about the types of ostomies and issues related to nutrition, sexuality, and travel. Much of the information is also available in Spanish…

Developing a successful program for wound care in the home

By Stanley A. Rynkiewicz III, MSN, RN, WCC, DWC, CCS Developing a successful wound care program requires a strong commitment and a willingness to learn. Our experience with creating such a program at Deer Meadows Home Health and Support Services, LLC (DMHHSS), a nonprofit home-care facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, may help others build a similar wound care program and reap…

Linear wound measurement basics

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOC, WCC, DWC, OMS Each issue, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice. Measurement of wounds is an important component of wound assessment and provides baseline measurements, enables monitoring of healing rates, and helps distinguish among wounds that are static, deteriorating, or improving. All alterations in skin integrity,…

Make your patient-teaching idea a patented reality

By Joy Hooper, BSN, RN, CWOCN, OMS Have you ever had an idea for improving patient care that you wanted to market? You may have lacked confidence or know-how, as I once did. But one patient, a crafty idea, and a trip to Walmart put me on the path to becoming a successful nurse entrepreneur.

Maggots Wound Care

Using maggots in wound care: Part 2

By Ronald A. Sherman, MD; Sharon Mendez, RN, CWS; and Catherine McMillan, BA Note From the Editor: This is the second of two articles on maggot therapy. The first article appeared in our July/August 2014 issue, Read part 1 here. Whether your practice is an acute-care setting, a clinic, home care, or elsewhere, maggot debridement therapy (MDT) can prove to…

What to do when someone pushes your buttons

By Laura L. Barry, MBA, MMsc, and Maureen Sirois, MSN, RN, CEN, ANP Why is it that some things don’t bother us, while other things catapult us from an emotional 0 to 60 mph in a heartbeat? We all know what it feels like when someone says or does something that gets our juices flowing. We feel it in our…

When should we take “No” for an answer?

By: Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS Have you ever had a patient yell “Get out of my room!” or “Don’t touch me! I don’t want to be turned”? How about “No! Don’t put those compression stockings on my legs!” or “No, I’m not going to wear those ugly orthopedic shoes!” or “No way. I can’t stay in bed.…

2014 Journal: November – December Vol. 3 No. 6

Click here to access the digital edition

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Ramblings of an Itinerant Wound Care Guy

Renaissance and the New Golden Rule

by Dr. Michael Miller

To paraphrase Carol Ann from the Movie Poltergeist…”He’s Baaaaaaaaack” !  At the end of this past May, I had a sudden and disappointing parting of the ways from my prior blog host when I discovered the newest version of the Golden Rule…those that have the gold, make the rules. Is it possible to be too opinionated? Does the textual asbestos statement at the bottom of almost every web page regarding the dissociation between the hosts and the writer’s opinions really have any meaning?  I am nonetheless extremely grateful to my prior hosts for allowing me the bytes to educate, illuminate and aggravate. The silent majority, mostly practitioners and patients who appreciate the inside story versus those with the gold (who don’t mind independent thinking, as long as it comes in their flavor of Kool-Aid) have both spoken.

But as PT Barnum said “’There’s no such thing as bad publicity’ and so, recognizing that more and more people are looking for a shoulder to cry on, a voice of reason, and the company that misery loves, “Ramblings of an Itinerant Wound Care Guy” re-emerges with this blog.  I want to assure you that I have always relished comments and criticism both of which are proudly posted along with the blog, as long as you agree with me.

But enough fanfare and bravado and back to the bastion of wound dabblers anonymous.  My three-month involuntary hiatus did little to quench the fires of indignation regarding medicine in general and wound care in particular.  I had the great honor recently of meeting one of the creators of the wound care protocols for a large wound management organization.  My initial disdain at our handshake turned to admiration as he explained with great pride, how the guidelines were created for diagnosis and care at their facilities.  His background in wound care was impressive and his passion for care was the purest.  However, in keeping with the mantra that “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”, he related how his master plan had become intellectual oatmeal as the docs and nurses reverted to prior, Neanderthal practices.  One of the major flies in his ointment was the fact that at least one facility under management had a huge number of men over 70 in treatment including hyperbarics with 100% having the diagnosis of venous insufficiency.  Not a single mention of an arterial or diabetic etiology.  When he brought it to the medical directors attention, the response was simply that was what had been diagnosed.  He has since gone on to what he hopes are greener pastures. As far as the pitiful remnants of the wound caregivers he left behind, we agreed that they all deserve to be patient in their own centers.

To my prior readers who once again have elected to join in on the cacophony of intolerance or a newbie who on the advice of a friend decided to see what that crazy guy is writing about this month, I offer you my thanks and a promise to ignore the golden rule whenever and wherever I can.  And by the way…the opinions of the statements made in this blog do not reflect those of the web site, the publisher or the editors…Got it.

Until we ramble next time.

Click here to return to Dr. Miller’s Ramblings of an Itinerant Wound Care Guy Blog page.


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, Wound Care Advisor. All clinical recommendations are intended to assist with determining the appropriate wound therapy for the patient. Responsibility for final decisions and actions related to care of specific patients shall remain the obligation of the institution, its staff, and the patients’ attending physicians. Nothing in this information shall be deemed to constitute the providing of medical care or the diagnosis of any medical condition. Individuals should contact their healthcare providers for medical-related information.

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2014 Journal: September – October Vol. 3 No. 5

Wound Care Advisor Journal Vol3 No5

Managing venous stasis ulcers

Venous disease, which encompasses all conditions caused by or related to diseased or abnormal veins, affects about 15% of adults. When mild, it rarely poses a problem, but as it worsens, it can become crippling and chronic.

Chronic venous disease often is overlooked by primary and cardiovascular care providers, who underestimate its magnitude and impact. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) causes hypertension in the venous system of the legs, leading to various pathologies that involve pain, swelling, edema, skin changes, stasis dermatitis, and ulcers. An estimated 1% of the U.S. population suffers from venous stasis ulcers (VSUs). Causes of VSUs include inflammatory processes resulting in leukocyte activation, endothelial damage, platelet aggregation, and intracellular edema. Preventing VSUs is the most important aspect of CVI management.

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Becoming a wound care diplomat

By Bill Richlen, PT, WCC, CWS, DWC, and Denise Stetter, PT, WCC, DCCT The Rolling Stones may have said it best when they sang, “You can’t always get what you want,” a sentiment that also applies to wound care. A common frustration among certified wound care clinicians is working with other clinicians who have limited current wound care education and…

Best of the best, the sequel

By Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS Welcome to our second annual “Best of the Best” issue of Wound Care Advisor, the official journal of the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy (NAWCO). This may be the first time you have held Wound Care Advisor in your hands because normally we come to you via the Internet.…

Clinical Notes: Wound Photography, Lymphedema, GI Complaints

Wound photography may motivate patients Having patients view photographs of their wounds can motivate them to become more involved in managing those wounds, according to a study in International Wound Journal, particularly when wounds are in difficult-to-see locations.

Clinician Resources: Opioid-Prescribing, Diabetes, Pressure Injuries

Here are a variety of resources you might want to explore. Considering opioid-prescribing practices Healthcare providers’ prescribing patterns for opioids vary considerably by state, according to a report in Vital Signs from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here are some facts from the report: • Each day, 46 people die from an overdose of prescription painkillers in…

safe negative-pressure wound therapy

Guidelines for safe negative-pressure wound therapy

By Ron Rock MSN, RN, ACNS-BC Since its introduction almost 20 years ago, negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has become a leading technology in the care and management of acute, chronic, dehisced, traumatic wounds; pressure ulcers; diabetic ulcers; orthopedic trauma; skin flaps; and grafts. NPWT applies controlled suction to a wound using a suction pump that delivers intermittent, continuous, or variable…

dietary protein intake promotes wound healing

How dietary protein intake promotes wound healing

By Nancy Collins, PhD, RD, LD/N, FAPWCA, and Allison Schnitzer Nutrition is a critical factor in the wound healing process, with adequate protein intake essential to the successful healing of a wound. Patients with both chronic and acute wounds, such as postsurgical wounds or pressure ulcers, require an increased amount of protein to ensure complete and timely healing of their…

How to apply a spiral wrap

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOC, WCC, DWC, OMS Each issue, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice. Description The spiral wrap is a technique used for applying compression bandaging. Procedure Here’s how to apply a spiral wrap to the lower leg. Please note that commercial compression wraps come with specific instructions for…

how to assess wound exudate

How to assess wound exudate

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOC, WCC, DWC, OMS Each issue, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice. Exudate (drainage), a liquid produced by the body in response to tissue damage, is present in wounds as they heal. It consists of fluid that has leaked out of blood vessels and closely resembles blood…

wound care formulary and guideline

How to set up an effective wound care formulary and guideline

By Jeri Lundgren, BSN, RN, PHN, CWS, CWCN Navigating through the thousands of wound care products can be overwhelming and confusing. I suspect that if you checked your supply rooms and treatment carts today, you would find stacks of unused products. You also would probably find that many products were past their expiration dates and that you have duplicate products…

It takes a village: Leading a wound team

By Jennifer Oakley, BS, RN, WCC, DWC, OMS I used to think I could do it alone. I took the wound care certification course, passed the certification exam, and took all of my new knowledge—and my new WCC credential—back to the long-term care facility where I worked. I was ready to change the world. It didn’t take me long to…

Managing chronic venous leg ulcers — what’s the latest evidence?

Managing venous stasis ulcers

By Kulbir Dhillon, MSN, FNP, APNP, WCC Venous disease, which encompasses all conditions caused by or related to diseased or abnormal veins, affects about 15% of adults. When mild, it rarely poses a problem, but as it worsens, it can become crippling and chronic. Chronic venous disease often is overlooked by primary and cardiovascular care providers, who underestimate its magnitude…

The DIME approach to peristomal skin care

By Catherine R. Ratliff, PhD, APRN-BC, CWOCN, CFCN It’s estimated that about 70% of the 1 million ostomates in the United States and Canada will experience or have experienced stomal or peristomal complications. Peristomal complications are more common, although stomal complications (for example, retraction, stenosis, and mucocutaneous separation) can often contribute to peristomal problems by making it difficult to obtain…

2014 Journal: September – October Vol. 3 No. 5
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Burn Wounds Protected by Plastic-wrap-like nanosheets

The nanosheets act like Saran Wrap for wounds.

Like cling wrap, new biomaterial can coat tricky burn wounds and block out infection.

Wrapping wound dressings around fingers and toes can be tricky, but for burn victims, guarding them against infection is critical. Today, scientists are reporting the development of novel, ultrathin coatings called nanosheets that can cling to the body’s most difficult-to-protect contours and keep bacteria at bay.

The researchers are speaking about their materials, which they’ve tested on mice, at the 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society.

The meeting features nearly 12,000 presentations on a wide range of science topics and is being held here through Thursday. (more…)

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Device–related pressure ulcers: Avoidable or not?

device related pressure ulcer

By: Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS

A medical device–related pressure ulcer (MDRPU) is defined as a localized injury to the skin or underlying tissue resulting from sustained pressure caused by a medical device, such as a brace; splint; cast; respiratory mask or tubing; tracheostomy tube, collar, or strap; feeding tube; or a negative-pressure wound therapy device. The golden rule of pressure ulcer treatment is to identify the cause of pressure and remove it. Unfortunately, many of the medical devices are needed to sustain the patient’s life, so they can’t be removed. (more…)

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Education vital for successful wound management in the home

By Judy Bearden, MSN/ED, RN

Changes in healthcare policy and reimbursement are pushing treatment from the hospital to the community. This shift is likely to result in a higher number of complex wounds being treated in the home, which can create stress for patients and families. Education plays a key role in reducing this stress. This article focuses on education for family members or friends who are caregivers for the patient. (more…)

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Using maggots in wound care: Part 1

maggots in wound care

By: Ronald A. Sherman, MD; Sharon Mendez, RN, CWS; and Catherine McMillan, BA

Maggot therapy is the controlled, therapeutic application of maggots to a wound. Simple to use, it provides rapid, precise, safe, and powerful debridement. Many wound care professionals don’t provide maggot therapy (also called wound myiasis) because they lack training. But having maggot therapy technology available for patients adds to your capabilities as a wound care provider. (more…)

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What you need to know about transparent film dressings

transparent film dressings

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOC, WCC, DWC, OMS

Each issue, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice.

Transparent film dressings are thin sheets of transparent polyurethane (polymer) coated with an adhesive. These dressings are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. (more…)

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Creating effective education programs on a shoestring budget

By Jennifer Oakley, BS, RN, WCC, DWC, OMS

It’s time again for annual staff education, and you, the certified wound clinician, need to teach the staff at your organization. You dream of staff entering a state-of-the-art classroom with computers at each station, mannequins, wound anatomy models, and enough products for each student to do hands-on demonstrations. But when you open your eyes, you’re sitting in a room with ordinary tables and chairs, your laptop, a screen, a brain full of knowledge, and a very tight budget. (more…)

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