Best of the best, the sequel

By Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS

Welcome to our second annual “Best of the Best” issue of Wound Care Advisor, the official journal of the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy (NAWCO). This may be the first time you have held Wound Care Advisor in your hands because normally we come to you via the Internet. Using a digital format for this peer-reviewed journal allows us to bring you practical information that you can access anytime, anywhere and gives you the ability to access videos and other links to valuable resources for you and your patients. (more…)

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A letter from one of our own

I am writing this letter to share the sense of honor and privilege I felt in working with the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy (NAWCO) to organize the first Eastern Region WCC Conference during the Fall of 2013. What an experience! In addition to representing a top-notch organization, I increased my knowledge of wound care and its products dramatically and met many amazing clinicians on the same journey.
Traveling from seven states and a wide variety of care settings, nearly 100 wound care clinicians came together with the common goal of enhancing their ability to make a difference in the lives of their patients. We launched the process of forming a vital clinician network that will allow us to share product and procedure information and experiences, leverage the information in our individual care settings, and strengthen the wound care knowledge of our peers.

Throughout this experience, I talked with dozens of local wound care product representatives. Like the clinicians, they provided a wealth of wound care insights. I encourage clinicians to reach out to these “best friends” of wound care and take advantage of their depth of knowledge.

I am passionate about advocating proper wound care, and if I can help disseminate wound treatment knowledge to other clinicians in support of their patients, I need no better reward.

Finally, the opportunity to represent NAWCO filled me with pride because of the respect I have for its vision. I believe in the importance of continuing education, furthering knowledge, and ensuring expertise through a certification process that is based on solid, research-based wound care. My hope is to represent NAWCO in the future.
Thank you for this exciting opportunity!

Janie Hollenbach, RN, WCC, OMS,

NAWCO names new executive director

The National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy (NAWCO), the largest wound care and ostomy certification organization in the United States, is pleased to announce that Cynthia (Cindy) Broadus, RN, BSHA, LNHA, CLNC, CHRM, WCC, DWC, OMS, was named executive director effective February 1, 2014.

Ms. Broadus brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the organization. She has excelled for over 2 decades in specialty nursing care, litigation, corporate management, and company development. She joins the organization at a time of exciting change and will be instrumental in achieving accreditation that will provide national and international recognition for NAWCO.

“I am excited to be a part of such a great organization and supporting the efforts of the close-knit community that makes up the NAWCO certificants,” Ms. Broadus says.

Read the full press release.

DISCLAIMER: All clinical recommendations are intended to assist with determining the appropriate wound therapy for the patient. Responsibility for final decisions and actions related to care of specific patients shall remain the obligation of the institution, its staff, and the patients’ attending physicians. Nothing in this information shall be deemed to constitute the providing of medical care or the diagnosis of any medical condition. Individuals should contact their healthcare providers for medical-related information.

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Clinical Notes: Low BMD, CKD, hypoglycemia, HBOT

Low BMD common after ostomy

Low bone mineral density (BMD) is common in patients with inflammatory bowel disease who have a stoma placed, according to “Frequency, risk factors, and adverse sequelae of bone loss in patients with ostomy for inflammatory bowel diseases,” published in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. (more…)

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How to assess wound exudate

how to assess wound exudate

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOC, WCC, DWC, OMS

Each issue, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice.

Exudate (drainage), a liquid produced by the body in response to tissue damage, is present in wounds as they heal. It consists of fluid that has leaked out of blood vessels and closely resembles blood plasma. Exudate can result also from conditions that cause edema, such as inflammation, immobility, limb dependence, and venous and lymphatic insufficiency.

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“This is how we’ve always done it” isn’t good enough

Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS

Have you ever faced responsibility for a patient-care situation you learned about in school but had yet to encounter in the real world? With so many different health conditions and constant advancements in medical care, it’s not surprising that this happens frequently to many clinicians.

The first and easiest way for most of us to handle this situation is to ask our coworkers what to do. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, we as clinicians should reach a little further and get corroboration of what coworkers tell us. What we learn on the job may sound—and even seem—credible but it also needs validity so it can stand up in a legal situation. Recently, I was teaching a class to clinicians on ostomy care when one student shrieked, “Our entire hospital system has been doing this wrong for years.” (more…)

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It takes a village: Leading a wound team

By Jennifer Oakley, BS, RN, WCC, DWC, OMS

I used to think I could do it alone. I took the wound care certification course, passed the certification exam, and took all of my new knowledge—and my new WCC credential—back to the long-term care facility where I worked. I was ready to change the world.

It didn’t take me long to figure out that I couldn’t change the complex world of wound care alone. I needed a team of specialists who could manage my patient’s troubles with nutrition, swallowing, activities of daily living, positioning, body image issues, and many other areas that required expertise I didn’t have. (more…)

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Dealing with difficult people

By Rose O. Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN

Unfortunately, most clinicians can’t avoid having to work with difficult people. However we can learn how to be more effective in these situations, keeping in mind that learning to work with difficult people is both an art and a science.

How difficult people differ from the rest of us

We can all be difficult at times, but some people are difficult more often. They demonstrate such behaviors as arguing a point over and over, choosing their own self-interest over what’s best for the team, talking rather than listening, and showing disrespect. These behaviors can become habits. In most cases, difficult people have received feedback about their behavior at some time, but they haven’t made a consistent change. (See Is she a bully or a difficult person? by clicking the PDf icon above) (more…)

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Clinical Notes

Study finds less-invasive method for identifying osteomyelitis is effective

Researchers have found that using hybrid 67Ga single-photon emission computed tomography and X-ray computed tomography (SPECT/CT) imaging combined with a bedside percutaneous bone puncture in patients with a positive scan is “accurate and safe” for diagnosing osteomyelitis in patients with diabetes who have a foot ulcer without signs of soft-tissue infection.

The new method, which avoids an invasive bone biopsy, has a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 93.6%. In the study of 55 patients, antibiotic treatment was avoided in 55% of suspected cases.

Diagnosing diabetic foot osteomyelitis in patients without signs of soft tissue infection by coupling hybrid 67Ga SPECT/CT with bedside percutaneous bone puncture,” published by Diabetes Care, followed patients for at least a year.

MRSA strains will likely continue to coexist in hospitals and communities

The strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) differ in the hospital and community settings, and both are likely to coexist in the future, according to a study in PLOS Pathogens.

Hospital-community interactions foster coexistence between methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus” notes that previously it was thought that the more invasive community strains would become more prevalent (and even eliminate) hospital strains. This new information could have significant consequences for public health because of the differences in the resistance of the two strains.

C. difficile prevention actions fail to stop spread

Despite increasing activities to prevent the spread of Clostridium difficile, infection from C. difficile remains a problem in healthcare facilities, according to a survey of infection preventionists by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC).

The survey found that 70% of preventionists have adopted additional interventions in their healthcare facilities since March 2010, but only 42% have seen a decline in C. difficile infection rates; 43% saw no decline.

A total of 1,087 APIC members completed the survey in January 2013. The survey also found that more than 92% of respondents have increased emphasis on environmental cleaning and equipment decontamination practices, but 64% said they rely on observation, rather than more accurate and reliable monitoring technologies, to assess cleaning effectiveness.

In addition, 60% of respondents have antimicrobial stewardship programs at their facilities, compared with 52% in 2010. Such programs promote the appropriate use of antibiotics, which can help reduce the risk of C. difficile infection.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, diarrhea caused by C. difficile is linked to 14,000 American deaths each year.

Mast cells may not play significant role in wound healing

Evidence that mast cells are not required for healing of splinted cutaneous excisional wounds in mice,” published in PLOS One, analyzed wound healing in three types of genetically mast-deficient mice and found they reepithelialized their wounds at rates similar to control mice. At the time of closure, the researchers found that scars in all the mice groups were similar in both “quality of collagen deposition and maturity of collagen fibers.” The findings fail to support the previously held belief that mast cells are important in wound healing.

Study identifies effective casting for diabetes-related plantar foot ulcers

Nonremovable casts that relieve pressure are more effective than removable casts or dressings alone for the treatment of plantar foot ulcers caused by diabetes, according to an analysis of clinical trials.

The authors of “Pressure-relieving interventions for treating diabetic foot ulcers,” published by The Cochrane Library, reviewed 14 randomized clinical trials that included 709 participants. Nonremovable pressure-relieving casts were compared to dressings alone, temporary therapeutic shoes, removable pressure-relieving devices, and surgical lengthening of the Achilles tendon.

The study also notes that when combined with Achilles tendon lengthening, nonremovable devices were more successful in one forefoot ulcer study than the use of a nonremovable cast alone.

Most studies were from the United States (five) and Italy (five), with Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, and India each contributing one study.

Prescriber preference drives use of antibiotics in long-term care

Prolonged antibiotic treatment in long-term care: Role of the prescriber,” published by JAMA Internal Medicine, found that the preferences of prescribers, rather than patient characteristics, drive antibiotic treatment.

The study of 66,901 patients from 630 long-term care facilities found that 77.8%
received a course of antibiotics. The most common length (41%) was 7 days, but the length exceeded 7 days in 44.9% of patients. Patient characteristics were similar among short-, average-, and long-duration prescribers.

The study authors conclude: “Future trials should evaluate antibiotic stewardship interventions targeting prescriber preferences to systematically shorten average treatment durations to reduce the complications, costs, and resistance associated with antibiotic overuse.”

Electrophysical therapy may be helpful for diabetic foot ulcers

Electrophysical therapy for managing diabetic foot ulcers: A systematic review” concludes that electrophysical therapy is potentially beneficial because in each randomized clinical trial it outperformed the control or sham electrical stimulation.

The authors of the study in International Wound Journal reviewed eight trials with a combined total of 325 patients. Five studies were on electrical stimulation, two on phototherapy, and one on ultrasound. Because of the small number of trials, the possibility of harmful effects can’t be ruled out, and the authors recommend “high-quality trials with larger sample sizes.”

Significant geographic variations in spending, mortality exist for diabetic patients with foot ulcers and amputations

Geographic variation in Medicare spending and mortality for diabetic patients with foot ulcers and amputations” reports healthcare spending and mortality rates vary “considerably” across the United States.

The study in Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications found that higher spending wasn’t associated with a significant reduction in 1-year patient mortality. In addition, rates of hospital admission were associated with higher per capita spending and higher mortality rates for patients.

Home-based exercise program improves life for lymphedema patients

An individualized, home-based progressive resistance exercise program improves upper-limb volume and circumference and quality of life in postmastectomy patients with lymphedema, according to a study published in the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development.

Effect of home-based exercise program on lymphedema and quality of life in female postmastectomy patients: Pre-post intervention study” included 32 women who participated in an 8-week program. The women received education about the program and an initial training session from a physiotherapist. They practiced the exercise sequence and received a program and logbook once their performance was satisfactory. Patients were told to increase weight only when two sets of 15 repetitions became easy to perform.

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Stand up to bullies

By: Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS

At some point, most of us have encountered a bully—most commonly when we were kids. You might think that as we get older, bullying wouldn’t be a problem we have to deal with. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. In the healthcare field, bullying can be even worse than it was when we were children.

Bullying in health care takes many different forms, including fighting among different types of clinicians, managers bullying subordinates, peer-to-peer bullying and, most commonly, specialists bullying other specialists. Years ago when I realized my dream of becoming a wound care specialist, I thought other specialists would be relieved I was on board to help with the overwhelming task of spreading wound care knowledge and healing wounds. But I found out quickly that I was pretty much alone with those thoughts, and my first encounter with wound care bullies occurred.

I began to ask myself: What did I do wrong? Why are they slamming me? What did I do to them? They don’t even know me; they’ve never even talked to me. This may sound familiar to many of you, whether you’re a wound care specialist, an ostomy specialist, or a diabetes or lymphedema specialist.

Workplace bullying is defined as repeated, unreasonable actions by individuals (or a group) directed toward an employee (or group of employees) that are intended to intimidate, degrade, humiliate, or undermine. Bullying occurs for many reasons; these reasons almost always include insecurity, competition, and the desire to feel more powerful and be in control.

So how do we deal with the bullies?
• Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you’d like others to treat you. Don’t stoop to the bully’s level.
• Stay calm and rational. Don’t get emotional. Bullies take pleasure in manipulating people emotionally.
• Don’t lose your confidence or blame yourself. Recognize that this isn’t about you; it’s about the bully. Be proud and confident in your certification credential.
• Focus on your purpose—to provide safe, competent, high-quality care to every patient.
• Document the bullying incident. Start a diary detailing the nature of the bullying, including dates, times, places, what was said or done, and who was present. Start a file with copies of anything in print that shows harassment and bullying; hold onto copies of documents that contradict the bully’s accusations against you.
• If the bullying behavior compromises patient safety and care, report the bully.

Stopping all bullying in health care may seem like an insurmountable goal, but I believe that together we can try to stop the bullying cycle in our specialty. By setting the example and supporting each other, we can turn the focus back to healing and caring for our patients as a team, not as one practitioner against the world.

Actions speak louder than words. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”

Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS
Wound Care Advisor
Cofounder, Wound Care Education Institute
Plainfield, Illinois

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Unna Boot

An Unna boot is a special dressing of inelastic gauze impregnated with zinc, glycerin, or calamine that becomes rigid when it dries. It is used for managing venous leg ulcers and lymphedema in patients who are ambulatory. When the patient walks, the rigid dressing restricts outward movement of the calf muscle, which directs the contraction force inward and improves the calf-muscle pumping action, thereby improving venous flow. An Unna boot does not provide compression and is contraindicated for arterial insufficiency.

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Clinical Notes

Diabetes ‘ABC’ goals improve, but work remains

The number of people with diabetes who are meeting the ABC goals—hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol—has risen significantly in recent years, according to a study published by Diabetes Care. Patients meeting all three goals rose from about 2% in 1988 to about 19% in 2010.

Gains were made in each of the ABC goals, based on 2007 to 2010 data: 53% of patients met A1C goals, compared to 43% in 1988 to 1994 data; 51% met blood pressure goals, compared to 33%; and 56% met LDL goals, compared to 10%.

Younger people were less likely to meet A1C and cholesterol goals. Compared with non-
Hispanic whites, Mexican Americans were less likely to meet A1C and LDL goals and non-Hispanic blacks were less likely to meet blood pressure and LDL goals.

The prevalence of meeting A1C, blood pressure, and LDL goals among people with diabetes, 1988–2010” also found that statin use significantly increased from about 4% in 1988 to 1994 to about 51% in 2007 to 2010.

The researchers analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys from 1988–1994, 1999–2002, 2003–2006, and 2007–2010. Nearly 5,000 people age 20 or older participated.

Although progress had been made, the researchers conclude, “Despite significant improvement during the past decade, achieving the ABC goals remains suboptimal among adults with diabetes, particularly in some minority groups.”

Daily bathing with chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths reduces infection risk

A study in The New England Journal of Medicine reports that daily bathing with chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths reduces the risk of becoming infected with multidrug-resistant organisms and subsequent development of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients.

Effect of daily chlorhexidine bathing on hospital-acquired infection” included 7,727 patients in nine intensive care and bone marrow units in six hospitals. The units were randomly assigned to bathe patients with either no-rinse 2% chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths or nonantimicrobial washcloths for 6 months; then, the units switched to the opposite product for 6 months.

The rate of infection with multidrug-resistant organisms was 23% lower in the chlorhexidine group and the rate of hospital-acquired bloodstream infection was 28% lower in the chlorhexidine group.

Patients tend not to wear custom-made footwear for preventing diabetic foot ulcers

Adherence to wearing prescription custom-made footwear was low among patients with diabetes, neuropathy, and a recently healed plantar foot ulcer, according to a study in Diabetes Care. The low adherence was particularly notable at home, where patients did the most walking.

Adherence to wearing prescription custom-made footwear in patients with diabetes at high risk for plantar foot ulceration” studied 107 patients by using a shoe-worn, temperature-based monitor. The researchers also measured daily step count by using an
ankle-worn activity monitor.

Factors associated with higher adherence included lower body mass index, more severe foot deformity, and more appealing footwear.

Tedizolid works as well as linezolid in patients with acute bacterial skin infections

A JAMA study says that a 200-mg once-daily dose of oral tedizolid phosphate over 6 days was as effective as 600 mg of oral linezolid every 12 hours for 10 days in patients with acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections, including cellulitis or erysipelas, major cutaneous abscesses, and wound infections.

Tedizolid phosphate vs linezolid for treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections: The ESTABLISH-1 Randomized Trial” reports a Phase 3, randomized, double-blind study conducted in 81 study centers with data analyzed from 667 adults.

A shorter course of tedizolid may be a “reasonable alternative” to linezolid for treating acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections, the study concludes.

Water-based exercise improves ROM in patients with long-term arm lymphedema

A study of breast cancer survivors (median 10 years after surgery) with lymphedema found that a water-based exercise program improved shoulder range of motion (ROM).

Of the 29 eligible patients, 25 completed the study “Water-based exercise for patients with chronic arm lymphedema: A randomized controlled pilot trial,” published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

The program consisted of at least twice-weekly water-based exercise for 8 weeks. At first, participants were supervised, but later they exercised independently. Although lymphedema status didn’t change, those who performed water-based exercise had an increase in ROM, showing improvement years after surgery.

Dehydrated amniotic membrane allograft possible option for treating chronic wounds

A dehydrated amniotic membrane allograft (EpiFix) was used to treat four patients whose wounds hadn’t closed after conservative and advanced measures and who had been referred for plastic procedures. A variety of wounds healed (located on the elbow, knee, hand, and ankle) after one to three applications of the amniotic material, which patients tolerated well. The wounds remained closed several months later.

The authors of “Use of dehydrated human amniotic membrane allografts to promote healing in patients with refractory non healing wounds” recommend further investigation.

Mortality not linked to hospital readmissions in some patients

A study in JAMA reports that readmission rates aren’t linked to mortality rates in patients with an acute myocardial infarction or pneumonia and were only “weakly associated” for patients with heart failure.
Relationship between hospital readmission and mortality rates for patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, or pneumonia” studied Medicare beneficiaries. The study is likely to fuel ongoing discussions as to the value of using readmission and mortality rates as factors for reimbursement.

Study casts doubt on MLD’s role in breast cancer–related lymphedema

A meta-analysis published in the World Journal of Surgical Oncology found the “current evidence” from randomized clinical trials “does not support” the use of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) in preventing or treating lymphedema in patients with breast cancer.

However, the authors of “Effects of manual lymphatic drainage on breast cancer–related lymphedema: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” note that the overall methodology of the studies was poor.

The authors analyzed 10 randomized clinical trials with 566 patients.

CDC issues additional prevention steps for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae

On Feb. 14, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued additional prevention steps for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). Increased reports of CRE prompted the action: Of the 37 unusual forms of CRE reported in the U.S., the last 15 have been reported since July 2012.

Facilities should follow the CDC guidance for preventing the spread of CRE in healthcare settings. The CDC also now recommends the following:

• When a CRE is identified in a patient with a history of an overnight stay in a healthcare facility (within the last 6 months) outside the U.S., send the isolate to a reference laboratory for confirmatory susceptibility testing and test to determine the carbapenem resistance mechanism.
• For patients admitted to healthcare facilities in the U.S. after recently being hospitalized (within the last 6 months) in countries outside the U.S., consider performing rectal screening cultures to detect CRE colonization, and place patients on contact precautions while awaiting the results.

Examples of Enterobacteriaceae include Klebsiella species and Escherichia coli. CRE are Enterobacteriaceae with high levels of resistance to antibiotics, including carbapenems. CRE infections most commonly occur among patients who are receiving antibiotics and significant medical treatment for other conditions.

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How to do a Semmes Weinstein monofilament exam

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOC, WCC, DWC, OMS

Each month, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice.


According to the American Diabetes Association, all patients with diabetes should be screened for loss of protective sensation in their feet (peripheral neuropathy) when they are diagnosed and at least annually thereafter, using simple clinical tests such as the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament exam.
The Semmes-Weinstein 5.07 monofilament nylon wire exerts 10 g of force when bowed into a C shape against the skin for 1 second. Patients who can’t reliably detect application of the 5.07, 10-g monofilament to designated sites on the plantar surface of their feet are considered to have lost protective sensation. (more…)

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