What does it mean to participate in a wound care clinical trial?

By Susan Beard, RN, BS, CWOCN

Suppose you’re reading an article on a new product that states the product has been through a series of clinical trials before marketing. What does this mean? Who was involved? As a clinician, could you initiate or be involved in a clinical trial of a new product? Who are clinical trial subjects, and what’s it like for them to be involved in a clinical study?

A clinical trial starts as an idea. As clinicians, we often use our critical-thinking skills to imagine a product or method of practice we think could be created or improved on to better meet our patients’ needs. The idea begins to grow and a series of events begins. (more…)

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Healthcare reform and changes provide opportunities for wound care clinicians

By Kathleen D. Schaum, MS

Qualified healthcare professionals (QHPs), such as physicians, podiatrists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and clinical nurse specialists, are taught to diagnose the reasons that chronic wounds aren’t healing and to create plans of care for aggressively managing the wound until it heals. Wound care professionals—nurses and therapists—are taught to implement those plans of care. All of these highly skilled wound care professionals know how to manage chronic wounds from identification through healing. (more…)

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Helping Sandwich Generation nurses find a work-life balance

By Kari Olson Finnegan, BSN, and Liz Ferron, MSW, LICSW

If you have at least one parent age 65 or older and are raising children or financially supporting a child age 18 or older, you’re part of the Sandwich Generation. Coined in 1981 by social worker Dorothy Miller, the term originally referred to women, generally in their 30s and 40s, who were “sandwiched” between young kids, spouses, employers, and aging parents. While the underlying concept remains the same, over time the definition has expanded to include men and to encompass a larger age range, reflecting the trends of delayed childbearing, grown children moving back home, and elderly parents living longer. The societal phenomenon of the Sandwich Generation increasingly is linked to higher levels of stress and financial uncertainty, as well as such downstream effects as depression and greater health impacts in caregivers. (more…)

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Translating the language of health care

By Catherine E. Chung, PhD, RN, CNE, WCC

As a wound care clinician, you teach patients about medications, wound treatments, the plan of care, symptoms of complications, wound physiology—you teach a lot. And most patients probably smile and nod when you ask, “Do you understand?” However, health literacy research has shown that only 12% of the U.S. population is fluent in the language of health care. As health care has become increasingly complex, it has become increasingly difficult for patients to understand. Fortunately for your patient, you can translate. (more…)

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The Buzz Report: A wound care clinician’s best friend

Clinician Knowledge Nursing

By Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS

In 2014, more than 8,000 new articles related to wound healing were added to the PubMed online database and hundreds of new patents for topical wound formulations were filed. Staying up-to-date with the latest and greatest findings and products can be challenging. We all lead busy lives, and our demanding work schedules and home responsibilities can thwart our best intentions. Although we know it’s our responsibility to stay abreast of changes in our field, we may feel overwhelmed trying to make that happen. (more…)

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Palliative wound care: Part 1

By Gail Rogers Hebert, MS, RN, CWCN, WCC, DWC, OMS, LNHA

The World Health Organization defines palliative care as “an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual.” (more…)

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Note from Executive Director


As I write this, I am still feeling the energy from the 11th annual Wild on Wounds Conference. What a great group of wound care clinicians. With close to 1,000 attendees, the conference was fun, friendly, and jam-packed with sessions for all levels of clinicians, from beginners to advanced. Many of the attendees shared their frustrations in choosing one session over another with comments such as, “It was so difficult because of all of the great educational offerings.”

Once again, the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy (NAWCO) had an answer table set up in the registration area. We enjoyed the many inquiries we received, and it was nice to put faces with names.

Each year, NAWCO gives four awards to deserving clinicians who put their hearts and souls into their work. We have so many talented and committed certified wound care clinicians that it seemed only fitting to recognize these talented people and give them the opportunity to shine. These individuals are nominated by their colleagues, coworkers, peers, and subordinates, and we had an abundance of nominations. While we would have loved to recognize all of the nominees, the committee could choose only four.

During the closing session, appropriately titled “Pay it Forward,” NAWCO recognized these four exceptionally talented, committed, hard-working clinicians for their achievements in their work with wound care patients. I wanted to share some of the impressive comments made about the award winners.

Outstanding Work in Diabetic Wounds:

Anna Ruelle, DPM, WCC

• “Voted ‘top doctor’ 11+ years in a row by peers”
• “Greatly reduced the incidence of below-the-knee amputations and loss of limb”
• “Never lets the sun set on a diabetic ulcer or wound when a patient calls.”

Outstanding Research in Wound Care:

Michael Katzman, RN, BSN, ONC, WCC

• “Known for his expertise in wound care and for being very approachable, professional, and a mentor to others”
• “Works collaboratively with other hospital skin champions to develop a protocol to prevent and treat skin tears through evidence-based research”
• “Offers regular in-services while collaborating with others to continuously improve outcomes.”

Outstanding WCC of the Year:

Chelsey Hawthorne, RN-BC, BSN, WCC

• “Serves as one of the certified nurses in a long-term care facility, and is a resource for the medical-surgical and other skilled units”
• “Works with the Magnet® Program supervisor to assist in getting more nurses certified through NAWCO”
• “Collaborates with the health system’s wound care clinic to ensure proper delivery of care to the residents.”

2014 Scholarship sponsored by Joerns® RecoverCare:

Craig Johnson, RN, BSN

• “Serves as staff nurse at a busy skilled nursing facility with a diverse and complex veteran population”
• “Demonstrates an overwhelming and sincere interest in wound care”
• “Designed and developed a mobile Wound Cart, which is used as a tool in the unit’s Wound Rounds Process.”

NAWCO is proud and honored to recognize the achievements of such a dedicated group of wound care clinicians. All of us at NAWCO congratulate the 2014 award winners.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, Wound Care Advisor. All clinical recommendations are intended to assist with determining the appropriate wound therapy for the patient. Responsibility for final decisions and actions related to care of specific patients shall remain the obligation of the institution, its staff, and the patients’ attending physicians. Nothing in this information shall be deemed to constitute the providing of medical care or the diagnosis of any medical condition. Individuals should contact their healthcare providers for medical-related information.

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Make your patient-teaching idea a patented reality

By Joy Hooper, BSN, RN, CWOCN, OMS

Have you ever had an idea for improving patient care that you wanted to market? You may have lacked confidence or know-how, as I once did. But one patient, a crafty idea, and a trip to Walmart put me on the path to becoming a successful nurse entrepreneur. (more…)

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Developing a successful program for wound care in the home

By Stanley A. Rynkiewicz III, MSN, RN, WCC, DWC, CCS

Developing a successful wound care program requires a strong commitment and a willingness to learn. Our experience with creating such a program at Deer Meadows Home Health and Support Services, LLC (DMHHSS), a nonprofit home-care facility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, may help others build a similar wound care program and reap the rewards of a more confident staff as well as improved patient outcomes. (more…)

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Building an effective pressure ulcer prevention program

By Jeri Lundgren, BSN, RN, PHN, CWS, CWCN

As a wound care nurse, do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders when trying to implement a pressure ulcer prevention program? Many staff members think it’s up to the wound care nurse alone to implement the program. However, a successful program requires involvement from all staff and is a 24/7 endeavor. Here’s how to do it. (more…)

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Linear wound measurement basics

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOC, WCC, DWC, OMS

Each issue, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice.

Measurement of wounds is an important component of wound assessment and provides baseline measurements, enables monitoring of healing rates, and helps distinguish among wounds that are static, deteriorating, or improving. All alterations in skin integrity, including those caused by ulcers, venous ulcers, arterial ulcers, neuropathic ulcers, incision lines, grafts, donor sites, abscesses, and rashes should be measured when they’re discovered and at intervals thereafter, based on institutional policy. (more…)

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