When you can’t rely on ABIs

By Robyn Bjork, MPT, CWS, WCC, CLT-LANA

One of the worst fears of a wound care clinician is inadvertently compressing a leg with critical limb ischemia—a condition marked by barely enough blood flow to sustain tissue life. Compression (as well as infection or injury) could lead to necrosis, the need for amputation, or even death. The gold standard of practice is to obtain an ankle-brachial index (ABI) before applying compression. However, recent research and expert opinion indicate an elevated or normal ABI is deceptive in patients with advanced diabetes. What’s worse, in the diabetic foot, skin may die from chronic capillary ischemia even when total blood perfusion is normal. For information on how to perform an ABI and interpret results, click on this link. (more…)

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Unna Boot

An Unna boot is a special dressing of inelastic gauze impregnated with zinc, glycerin, or calamine that becomes rigid when it dries. It is used for managing venous leg ulcers and lymphedema in patients who are ambulatory. When the patient walks, the rigid dressing restricts outward movement of the calf muscle, which directs the contraction force inward and improves the calf-muscle pumping action, thereby improving venous flow. An Unna boot does not provide compression and is contraindicated for arterial insufficiency.

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Chronic venous insufficiency with lower extremity disease: Part 1

By Donald A. Wollheim, MD, WCC, DWC, FAPWCA

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the most common cause of lower extremity wounds. The venous tree is defective, incapable of moving all the blood from the lower extremity back to the heart. This causes pooling of blood and intravascular fluid at the lowest gravitational point of the body—the ankle.

This article has two parts. Part 1 enhances your understanding of the disease and its clinical presentation. Part 2, which will appear in a later issue, explores the differential diagnosis of similar common diseases, the role that coexisting peripheral artery disease (PAD) may play, disease classification of venous insufficiency, and a general approach to therapy.

The most common form of lower extremity vascular disease, CVI affects 6 to 7 million people in the United States. Incidence increases with age and other risk factors. One study of 600 patients with CVI ulcers revealed that 50% had these ulcers for 7 to 9 months, 8% to 34% had them for more than 5 years, and 75% had recurrent ulcers.

Thrombotic complications of CVI include thrombophlebitis, which may range from superficial to extensive. If the thrombophlebitis extends up toward the common femoral vein leaving the leg, proximal ligation may be needed to prevent clot extension or embolization.

Understanding normal anatomy and physiology

Lower extremity veins flow horizontally from the superficial veins to the perforating veins and then into the deep veins. Normally, overall venous blood flows vertically against gravity from the foot and ankle upward toward the inferior vena cava (IVC). This antigravity flow toward the IVC results from muscular contraction around nonobstructed veins and one-way valves that close as blood passes them. These valves prevent abnormal backward blood flow toward the foot and ankle region.

The lower extremities have four types of veins. Superficial veins are located within the subcutaneous tissue between the dermis and muscular fascia. Examples are the greater and lesser (smaller) saphenous veins. Perforating veins connect the superficial veins to the deep veins of the leg. The deep veins are located below the muscular fascia. The communicating veins con­nect veins within the same system.

The greater saphenous vein is on the leg’s medial (inner) side. It originates from the dorsal veins on top of the foot and eventually drains into the common femoral vein in the groin region. By way of perforating veins, the greater saphenous vein drains into the deep venous system of both the calf and thigh.

The lesser saphenous vein is situated on the lateral (outer) side of the leg and originates from the lateral foot veins. As it ascends, it drains into the deep system at the popliteal vein behind the knee. Communicating veins connect the greater saphenous vein medially and the lesser saphenous vein laterally.

Intramuscular veins are the deep veins within the muscle itself, while the intermuscular veins are located between the muscle groups. The intermuscular veins are more important than other veins in development of chronic venous disease. Below the knee, the intermuscular veins are paired and take on the name of the artery they accompany—for example, paired anterior tibial, paired posterior tibial, and paired peroneal veins. Eventually, these veins form the popliteal vein behind the knee, which ultimately drains into the femoral vein of the groin.

As the common femoral vein travels below the inguinal ligament of the groin, it’s called the external iliac vein. Eventually, it becomes the common iliac vein, which drains directly into the IVC.


Abnormally elevated venous pressure stems from the leg’s inability to adequately drain blood from the leg toward the heart. Blood drainage from the leg requires the muscular pumping action of the leg onto the veins, which pump blood from the leg toward the heart as well as from the superficial veins toward the deep veins. Functioning one-way valves within the veins close when blood passes them, preventing blood from flowing backward toward the ankle. This process resembles what happens when you climb a ladder with intact rungs: As you step up from one rung to the next, you’re able to ascend.

CVI and the “broken rung” analogy

If the one-way valves are damaged or incompetent, the “broken rung” situation occurs. Think how hard it would be to climb a ladder with broken rungs: You might be able to ascend the ladder, but probably you would fall downward off the ladder due to the defective, broken rungs.

Normally, one-way valves ensure that blood flows from the lower leg toward the IVC and that the superficial venous system flows toward the deep venous system. The venous system must be patent (open) so blood flowing from the leg can flow upward toward the IVC. Blockage of a vein may result from an acute thrombosis (clot) in the superficial or deep systems. With time, blood may be rerouted around an obstructed vein. If the acute thrombosis involves one or more of the one-way valves, as the obstructing thrombosis opens up within the vein’s lumen, permanent valvular damage may occur, leading to post-thrombotic syndrome—a form of CVI.

CVI may result from an abnormality of any or all of the processes needed to drain blood from the leg—poor pumping action of the leg muscles, damage to the one-way valves, and blockage in the venous system. CVI commonly causes venous hypertension due to reversal of blood flow in the leg. Such abnormal flow may cause one or more of the following local effects:

  • leg swelling
  • tissue anoxia, inflammation, or necrosis
  • subcutaneous fibrosis
  • Compromised flow of venous blood or lymphatic fluid from the extremity.

“Water balloon” analogy

The effect of elevated venous pressure or hypertension is worst at the lowest gravitational point (around the ankle). Pooling of blood and intravascular fluid around the ankle causes a “water balloon” effect. A balloon inflated with water has a thin, easily traumatized wall. When it bursts, a large volume of fluid drains out. Due to its thicker wall, a collapsed balloon that contains less fluid is more difficult to break than one distended with water.

In a leg with CVI, subcutaneous fluid that builds up requires a weaker force to break the skin and ulcerate than does a nondistended leg with less fluid. This principle is the basis for compression therapy in treating and preventing CVI ulcers.

Effects of elevated venous pressure or hypertension

Increased pressure in the venous system causes:

  • abnormally high pressure in the superficial veins—60 to 90 mm Hg, compared to the normal pressure of 20 to 30 mm Hg
  • dilation and distortion of leg veins, because blood refluxes abnormally away from the heart and toward the lower leg and may move from the deep venous system into the superficial veins.

Abnormal vein swelling from elevated pressure in itself may impair an already abnormally functioning one-way valve. For instance, the valve may become more displaced due to the increase in intraluminal fluid, which may in turn worsen hypertension and cause an increase in leg swelling. Increased pressure from swollen veins also may dilate the capillary beds that drain into the veins; this may cause leakage of fluid and red blood cells from capillaries into the interstitial space, exacerbating leg swelling. Also, increased venous pressure may cause fibrinogen to leak from the intravascular plasma into the interstitial space. This leakage may create a fibrin cuff around the capillary bed, which may decrease the amount of oxygen entering the epidermis, increase tissue hypoxia, trigger leukocyte activation, increase capillary permeability, and cause local inflammation. These changes may lead to ulceration, lipodermatosclerosis, or both.

Visible changes may include dilated superficial veins, hemosiderin staining due to blood leakage from the venous tree, atrophie blanche, and lipodermatosclerosis. (See CVI glossary by clicking the PDF icon above.) Both atrophie blanche and lipodermatosclerosis result from local tissue scarring secondary to an inflammatory reaction of the leg distended with fluid.

Lipodermatosclerosis refers to scarring of subcutaneous tissue in severe venous insufficiency. Induration is associated with inflammation, which can cause the skin to bind to the subcutaneous tissue, causing narrowing of leg circumference. Lymphatic flow from the leg also may become compromised and inhibited in severe venous hypertension, causing additional leg swelling.

Patient history

In a patient with known or suspected CVI, a thorough history may lead to a working diagnosis. Be sure to ask the patient these questions:

  • Do you have pain?
  • Is your pain worse toward the end of the day?
  • Is the pain relieved with leg elevation at night?
  • Is it relieved with leg elevation during the day?
  • Do you have leg pain that awakens you at night?
  • How would you describe the pain?
  • Does the skin on your leg feel tight or irritated?
  • Have you noticed visible changes of your leg?
  • Do you have a leg ulcer?

Also determine if the patient has comorbidities that may exacerbate CVI, including PAD, renal failure, venous thrombosis, lymphedema, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, or malnutrition. (See CVI risk factors by clicking the PDF icon above .)

Common CVI symptoms

Approximately 20% of CVI patients have symptoms of the disease without physical findings. These symptoms may include:

  • tired, “heavy” legs that feel worse toward the end of the day
  • discomfort that worsens on standing
  • legs that feel best in the morning after sleeping or after the legs have been
  • elevated during the day.

Although patients may report leg discomfort, the history indicates that it doesn’t awaken them at night. Be aware that discomfort from CVI differs from that caused by PAD. With PAD, patients may report pain on exercise (claudication), pain with elevation (nocturnal pain), or constant pain (resting pain).

Signs of CVI (with or without ulcers) include:

  • leg swelling (seen in 25% to 75% of patients)
  • skin changes (such as hemosiderin staining or dermatitis)
  • telangiectasia, reticular veins, or both; while these are the most common signs, they represent an overall less severe finding
  • varicose veins with or without bleeding, occurring in one-third of patients with CVI.

Venous ulcers

Venous ulcers are the most common type of lower extremity ulcer. They’re commonly found on the medial aspect of the lower extremity, from the ankle to the more proximal calf area. Usually, they arise along the course of the greater saphenous vein, but also may be lateral and may occur at multiple locations. They aren’t found above the knee or on the forefoot. Venous ulcers are shallower than arterial ulcers and have considerable exudate consistent with drainage from a ruptured water balloon. They may extend completely around the leg.

CVI: From a heavy sensation to visible changes

In patients with CVI, blood flows within a lower extremity in an abnormal, reverse direction, causing build-up of blood and intravascular fluid around the ankle. Initially, this may cause only a sensation of heavy legs toward the end of the day, with no visible changes. Eventually, it may lead to venous ulcers or other visible changes. This abnormal blood flow results from dysfunction of the normal mechanisms that drain blood from the leg against gravity into the IVC.

Selected references

Alguire PC, Mathes BM. Clinical evaluation of lower extremity chronic venous disease. UpToDate. Last updated April 18, 2012. http://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-evaluation-of-lower-extremity-chronic-venous-disease?source=search_result&
.  Accessed March 3, 2013.

Alguire PC, Mathes BM. Diagnostic evaluation of chronic venous insufficiency. UpToDate. Last updated May 7, 2012. www.uptodate.com/contents/diagnostic-evaluation-of-chronic-venous-insufficiency?source=search_result&search=Diagnostic+evaluation
. Accessed March 3, 2013.

Alguire PC, Mathes BM. Pathophysiology of chronic venous disease. UpToDate. Last updated April 12, 2012. www.uptodate.com/contents/pathophysiology-of-chronic-venous-disease?source=search_result&search=Pathophysiology+of+chronic+venous+disease
. Accessed March 3, 2013.

Alguire PC, Scovell S. Overview and management of lower extremity chronic venous disease. UpToDate. Last updated June 27, 2012. www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-and-management-of-lower-extremity-chronic-venous-disease?source=search_
. Accessed March 3, 2013.

Moneta G. Classification of lower extremity chronic venous disorders. UpToDate. Last updated October 22, 2011. www.uptodate.com/contents/classification-of-lower-extremity-chronic-venous-disorders. Accessed March 3, 2013.

Sardina D. Skin and Wound Management Course; Seminar Workbook. Wound Care Education Institute; 2011:92-112.

Donald A. Wollheim is a practicing wound care physician in southeastern Wisconsin. He also is an instructor for Wound Care Education Institute and Madison College. He serves on the Editorial Board for Wound Care Advisor.

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Clinical Notes

Diabetes ‘ABC’ goals improve, but work remains

The number of people with diabetes who are meeting the ABC goals—hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol—has risen significantly in recent years, according to a study published by Diabetes Care. Patients meeting all three goals rose from about 2% in 1988 to about 19% in 2010.

Gains were made in each of the ABC goals, based on 2007 to 2010 data: 53% of patients met A1C goals, compared to 43% in 1988 to 1994 data; 51% met blood pressure goals, compared to 33%; and 56% met LDL goals, compared to 10%.

Younger people were less likely to meet A1C and cholesterol goals. Compared with non-
Hispanic whites, Mexican Americans were less likely to meet A1C and LDL goals and non-Hispanic blacks were less likely to meet blood pressure and LDL goals.

The prevalence of meeting A1C, blood pressure, and LDL goals among people with diabetes, 1988–2010” also found that statin use significantly increased from about 4% in 1988 to 1994 to about 51% in 2007 to 2010.

The researchers analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys from 1988–1994, 1999–2002, 2003–2006, and 2007–2010. Nearly 5,000 people age 20 or older participated.

Although progress had been made, the researchers conclude, “Despite significant improvement during the past decade, achieving the ABC goals remains suboptimal among adults with diabetes, particularly in some minority groups.”

Daily bathing with chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths reduces infection risk

A study in The New England Journal of Medicine reports that daily bathing with chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths reduces the risk of becoming infected with multidrug-resistant organisms and subsequent development of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients.

Effect of daily chlorhexidine bathing on hospital-acquired infection” included 7,727 patients in nine intensive care and bone marrow units in six hospitals. The units were randomly assigned to bathe patients with either no-rinse 2% chlorhexidine-impregnated washcloths or nonantimicrobial washcloths for 6 months; then, the units switched to the opposite product for 6 months.

The rate of infection with multidrug-resistant organisms was 23% lower in the chlorhexidine group and the rate of hospital-acquired bloodstream infection was 28% lower in the chlorhexidine group.

Patients tend not to wear custom-made footwear for preventing diabetic foot ulcers

Adherence to wearing prescription custom-made footwear was low among patients with diabetes, neuropathy, and a recently healed plantar foot ulcer, according to a study in Diabetes Care. The low adherence was particularly notable at home, where patients did the most walking.

Adherence to wearing prescription custom-made footwear in patients with diabetes at high risk for plantar foot ulceration” studied 107 patients by using a shoe-worn, temperature-based monitor. The researchers also measured daily step count by using an
ankle-worn activity monitor.

Factors associated with higher adherence included lower body mass index, more severe foot deformity, and more appealing footwear.

Tedizolid works as well as linezolid in patients with acute bacterial skin infections

A JAMA study says that a 200-mg once-daily dose of oral tedizolid phosphate over 6 days was as effective as 600 mg of oral linezolid every 12 hours for 10 days in patients with acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections, including cellulitis or erysipelas, major cutaneous abscesses, and wound infections.

Tedizolid phosphate vs linezolid for treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections: The ESTABLISH-1 Randomized Trial” reports a Phase 3, randomized, double-blind study conducted in 81 study centers with data analyzed from 667 adults.

A shorter course of tedizolid may be a “reasonable alternative” to linezolid for treating acute bacterial skin and skin-structure infections, the study concludes.

Water-based exercise improves ROM in patients with long-term arm lymphedema

A study of breast cancer survivors (median 10 years after surgery) with lymphedema found that a water-based exercise program improved shoulder range of motion (ROM).

Of the 29 eligible patients, 25 completed the study “Water-based exercise for patients with chronic arm lymphedema: A randomized controlled pilot trial,” published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

The program consisted of at least twice-weekly water-based exercise for 8 weeks. At first, participants were supervised, but later they exercised independently. Although lymphedema status didn’t change, those who performed water-based exercise had an increase in ROM, showing improvement years after surgery.

Dehydrated amniotic membrane allograft possible option for treating chronic wounds

A dehydrated amniotic membrane allograft (EpiFix) was used to treat four patients whose wounds hadn’t closed after conservative and advanced measures and who had been referred for plastic procedures. A variety of wounds healed (located on the elbow, knee, hand, and ankle) after one to three applications of the amniotic material, which patients tolerated well. The wounds remained closed several months later.

The authors of “Use of dehydrated human amniotic membrane allografts to promote healing in patients with refractory non healing wounds” recommend further investigation.

Mortality not linked to hospital readmissions in some patients

A study in JAMA reports that readmission rates aren’t linked to mortality rates in patients with an acute myocardial infarction or pneumonia and were only “weakly associated” for patients with heart failure.
Relationship between hospital readmission and mortality rates for patients hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, or pneumonia” studied Medicare beneficiaries. The study is likely to fuel ongoing discussions as to the value of using readmission and mortality rates as factors for reimbursement.

Study casts doubt on MLD’s role in breast cancer–related lymphedema

A meta-analysis published in the World Journal of Surgical Oncology found the “current evidence” from randomized clinical trials “does not support” the use of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) in preventing or treating lymphedema in patients with breast cancer.

However, the authors of “Effects of manual lymphatic drainage on breast cancer–related lymphedema: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” note that the overall methodology of the studies was poor.

The authors analyzed 10 randomized clinical trials with 566 patients.

CDC issues additional prevention steps for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae

On Feb. 14, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued additional prevention steps for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). Increased reports of CRE prompted the action: Of the 37 unusual forms of CRE reported in the U.S., the last 15 have been reported since July 2012.

Facilities should follow the CDC guidance for preventing the spread of CRE in healthcare settings. The CDC also now recommends the following:

• When a CRE is identified in a patient with a history of an overnight stay in a healthcare facility (within the last 6 months) outside the U.S., send the isolate to a reference laboratory for confirmatory susceptibility testing and test to determine the carbapenem resistance mechanism.
• For patients admitted to healthcare facilities in the U.S. after recently being hospitalized (within the last 6 months) in countries outside the U.S., consider performing rectal screening cultures to detect CRE colonization, and place patients on contact precautions while awaiting the results.

Examples of Enterobacteriaceae include Klebsiella species and Escherichia coli. CRE are Enterobacteriaceae with high levels of resistance to antibiotics, including carbapenems. CRE infections most commonly occur among patients who are receiving antibiotics and significant medical treatment for other conditions.

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Clinician Resources

Clinical practice guidelines help ensure we are applying the latest knowledge and expertise when we’re caring for patients. Here are a few recent guidelines that you may find useful.

Measurement of ankle-brachial index

An American Heart Association scientific statement, “Measurement and interpretation of the ankle-brachial index (ABI),” published in Circulation, outlines the use of ABI, terminology, how to calculate the value, training, standards, and suggestions for future research.
Recommendations for obtaining an ABI measurement include:
• Use the Doppler method to determine the systolic blood pressure in each arm and each ankle.
• Use the appropriate cuff size, with a width of at least 40% of the limb circumference.
• Place the ankle cuff just above the malleoli with the straight wrapping method.
• Cover open lesions with the potential for contamination with an impermeable dressing.
• Avoid using a cuff over a distal bypass.

The article also recommends measurement and interpretation of ABI be part of the standard curriculum for nursing and medical students. For more information about ABI, read “Bedside ankle-brachial index testing: Time-saving tips” in this issue of Wound Care Advisor.


A social media approach to childhood obesity

Childhood obesity continues to be a significant problem in the United States, requiring innovative approaches for prevention and management. Those who are obese run the risk of poorer wound healing.
“Approaches to the prevention and management of childhood obesity: The role of social networks and the use of social media and related electronic technologies: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association,” published in Circulation, evaluates the role of social networks and social media in relation to childhood obesity and presents five steps for using social networks:
1 Define the goal of the intervention.
2 Identify the social network.
3 Develop and pilot test the intervention.
4 Implement the intervention.
5 Spread the intervention.

The guidelines conclude that social media holds promise as a tool, but more research is needed.


Guidelines for managing patients with stable ischemic heart disease

Many patients with wound or ostomy needs have comorbid heart disease. Be sure you are aware of the most current information for managing these patients by accessing “2012 ACCF/AHA/ACP/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease,” published in Circulation.
The guidelines acknowledge the vital importance of shared decision making between the healthcare provider and the patient. The information is divided into four sections with supporting algorithms:
• approaches to diagnosis
• risk assessment
• treatment
• follow-up.

Access the top 10 things to know and the executive summary.


Pressure ulcer guideline syntheses

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has made it easier to compare guidelines for managing pressure ulcers by publishing two guideline syntheses:
Management of pressure ulcers
Prevention of pressure ulcers

In each case, the synthesis includes information in the following categories:
• areas of agreement and difference
• comparison of recommendations
• strength of evidence and recommendation grading schemes
• methodology
• source(s) of funding
• benefits and harms
• abbreviations
• status.

Access these and other guideline syntheses from AHRQ.

Bonus resource: Ethical case study of a patient refusing skin ulcer treatment

View: Patient rights

Free, one-time registration is required to view the entire video and all other
content on the Medscape website.

Patients have a right to make their own decisions, but what happens when a decision is so painful for staff that it affects morale? Arthur Caplan, PhD, Division of Medical Ethics at the NYU Langone Medical Center in New York, discusses such a case: “Patients have the right to choose death from bedsores.”

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“We don’t have a Doppler”

By: Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC

Venous leg ulcers are the most common cause of lower extremity ulcers, affecting 1% of the U.S. population (approximately 3 million people). Annual treatment costs for venous disease in this country range from $1.9 to $3.5 billion.

The gold standard for venous ulcer treatment includes moist wound healing and compression therapy. But before compression wraps are applied, we must determine if adequate arterial blood flow exists—or consequences could be life-threatening.

Raise your hand if you know what ABI is. Now raise your hand if you routinely obtain ABIs for patients. I’ve been asking these questions at wound care seminars around the country for the last 10 years, and the answers are always the same:
Between 50% and 95% of the audience know what an ABI is, but only 1% to 2% say they perform the ABI test. My next question is “Why not?”

The ABI (ankle brachial index) is a non­invasive screening test performed with a handheld vascular Doppler and a blood pressure cuff. This simple test helps determine if you can safely apply compression therapy, aids diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease, and even helps monitor the efficacy of therapeutic interventions.

Numerous standard practice guidelines from various organizations recommend obtaining ABIs to determine arterial blood flow. These organizations include the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, Society for Vascular Nursing, Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses, Society for Vascular Medicine, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, and World Union of Wound Healing Societies.

Instructions for most compression therapy products include indications for Doppler ABI readings above 0.8. So if you don’t get an ABI reading, how can you safely apply these products? A report by Allie and colleagues found that more than 50% of lower extremity amputations occur without previous vascular testing of any type, including ABI.

So why aren’t more practitioners obtaining ABIs? The leading answer: “We don’t have a Doppler.” I understand the dilemma of not having equipment or the funds to get the equipment. But do we want to tell a patient who has just lost her leg, “Oh, sorry. We didn’t have a Doppler”?

It’s our responsibility and duty as WCCs, wound care experts, and health care clinicians to ensure we provide the highest standard of care for patients with venous leg ulcers. So communicate with management, explaining what you need and why you need it. Work with your medical supply company for an extended payment plan. Hold a fundraiser. Consider using the alternative Lanarkshire Oximetry Index procedure. Or send the patient to a wound clinic or other healthcare provider who can perform the test.

It’s time to step it up and take greater accountability—and to no longer use the excuse “We don’t have a Doppler.”

Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC
Wound Care Advisor
Cofounder, Wound Care Education Institute
Plainfield, Illinois

Selected references
Allie DE, Hebert CJ, Lirtzman MD, et al. Critical limb ischemia: a global epidemic. A critical analysis of current treatment unmasks the clinical and economic costs of CLI. EuroIntervention. 2005; 1(1):75-84. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
. Accessed June 4, 2012.

Lazarus GS, Cooper DM, Knighton DR, et al. Definitions and guidelines for assessment of wounds and evaluation of healing. Arch Dermatol. 1994; 130(4):489-493. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8166487. Accessed June 4, 2012.

Mayfield JA, Reiber GE, Sanders LJ, Janisse D, Pogach LM. Preventive foot care in diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2004;27(suppl 1):S63-S64. doi:10.2337/diacare.27.2007.S63.
McGuckin M, Kerstein MD. Venous ulcers and the family physician. Adv Skin Wound Care. 1998;11(7): 344-346. http://journals.lww.com/aswcjournal/Abstract/1998/11000/Venous_Leg_Ulcers_and_the_Family_Physician.13.aspx. Accessed June 4, 2012.

Olin JW, Allie DE, Belkin M, et al. ACCF/AHA/ACR/SCAI/SIR/SVM/SVN/SVS 2010 performance measures for adults with peripheral artery disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Performance Measures, the American College of Radiology, the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions, the Society for Interventional Radiology, the Society for Vascular Medicine, the Society for Vascular Nursing, and the Society for Vascular Surgery (Writing Committee to Develop Performance Measures for Peripheral Artery Disease). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56(25):2147-2181. http://content.onlinejacc
. Accessed June 4, 2012.

O’Meara S, Al-Kurdi D, Ologun Y, Ovington LG. Antibiotics and antiseptics for venous leg ulcers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010;(1):CD003557. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20091548. Accessed June 4, 2012.

Rooke TW, Hirsch AT, Misra S, et al; Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; Society of Interventional Radiology; Society for Vascular Medicine; Society for Vascular Surgery. 2011 ACCF/AHA focused update of the guideline for the management of patients with peripheral artery disease (updating the 2005 guideline): a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;58(19):2020-2045. http://
. Accessed June 4, 2012.

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for peripheral arterial disease: brief evidence update. 2005. http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf05/pad/padup.htm. Accessed June 4, 2012.

Valencia IC, Falabella A, Kirsner RS, Eaglstein WH. Chronic venous insufficiency and venous leg ulceration. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2001;44(3):401-421. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11209109. Accessed June 4, 2012.

World Union of Wound Healing Societies. Principles of best practice:. Compression in venous leg ulcers: a consensus document. London: MEP Ltd; 2008. www.woundsinternational.com/pdf/content_25.pdf. Accessed June 4, 2012.

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Clinical Notes

Study finds ultrasound therapy improves venous ulcer healing

In a study of 10 venous ulcers not responding to treatment, the use of noncontact ultrasound significantly reduced the wound area over 4 weeks of treatment.

It has been unclear exactly how ultrasound achieves its positive results. The
authors of “A prospective pilot study of ultrasound therapy effectiveness in refractory venous leg ulcers,” an article published online on February 1 by the International Wound Journal, found that patients treated with ultrasound and compression therapy had reduced inflammatory cytokines and bacterial counts, but the reduction wasn’t statistically significant.

The study found another important benefit for patients-reduced pain.

Serum albumin is not a goodindicator of nutritional status

Traditionally the standard of practice for wound care patients has been to review albumin blood levels as a measure of nutritional status and the effect of nutritional interventions. But as noted in The Role of Nutrition in Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Treatment: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel White Paper, recent studies show that hepatic proteins (albumin, trans­thyretin, and transferrin) correlate with the severity of an underlying disease, not nutritional status. Moreover, many factors can alter albumin levels even when protein intake is adequate, including infection, acute stress, surgery, cortisone excess, and hydration status.

For these reasons, the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (previously known as The American Dietetic Association) recommend against using serum proteins as a nutritional assessment tool. Evaluation of lab values is just one part of the nutritional assessment process and should be considered along with other factors such as ensuring that the patient receives what is prescribed; daily food/fluid intake; changes in weight status, diagnosis, and medications; and clinical improvement in the wound.

For more information read “Serum proteins as markers of malnutrition: What are we treating?” and “Albumin as an indicator of nutritional status: Professional refresher.”

A profile of outpatients with wounds

Wound care outcomes and associated cost among patients treated in US outpatient wound centers: Data from the US Wound Registry” a study using data from the US Wound Registry to determine outcomes and costs for outpatient wound care, found the mean patient age was 61.7 years, slightly more than half (52.3%) were male, most (71.3%) were white, and more than half (52.6%) were Medicare beneficiaries.

Other interesting findings:

  • The mean number of serious comorbid conditions was 1.8.
  • The most common comorbid conditions were obesity/overweight (71.3%), cardiovascular or peripheral vascular disease (51.3%), and diabetes (46.8%).
  • Nearly two-thirds (65.8%) of wounds healed, with an average healing time
    of 15 weeks.
  • In half of the wounds that healed, patients received only moist wound care and no advanced therapeutics.
  • The mean cost for wound healing was $3,927.

The authors of the article, published in March’s Wounds, analyzed 5,240 patients with 7,099 wounds in 59 hospital-based outpatient wound centers in 18 states over 5 years.

LOI index comparable to ABI for assessing PAD in patients with type 2 diabetes

The pilot study “Lanarkshire Oximetry Index as a diagnostic tool for peripheral arterial disease in type 2 diabetes,” published in Angiology, compared the gold standard ankle bra­chial index (ABI) to the Lanarkshire Oximetry Index (LOI) in 161 patients with type 2 diabetes. Researchers assessed the patients for peripheral artery disease (PAD, defined as ABI < 0.9) using both ABI and LOI.

Using a LOI cut-off value of 0.9., the sensitivity and specificity for PAD were 93.3% and 89.1%, respectively. The study concluded that LOI is a “potentially useful alternative diagnostic test for PAD” in patients with type 2 diabetes.

LOI is a noninvasive procedure similar to ABI; both indices indicate whether it’s safe to apply compression to the limb of a patient who has lower leg ulceration or venous hypertension. With LOI, a pulse oximeter is used in place of a hand-held Doppler to determine the index.

Start planning for World Diabetes Day

It’s not too early to begin planning for World Diabetes Day, November 14. Started by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the day is designed to raise global awareness of diabetes.

Access materials, including posters, a campaign book, and the Word Diabetes Day Logo, from IDF’s website, which also has activity ideas.

WHO estimates that more than 346 million people worldwide have diabetes, and the number is expected to double by 2030. World Diabetes Day is celebrated on November 14 to mark the birthday of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, was instrumental in the discovery of insulin in 1922.

Guidelines for PAD in patients with diabetes and foot ulceration published

February’s issue of Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews includes “Specific guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of peripheral arterial disease in a patient with diabetes and ulceration of the foot 2011,” which is based on two companion International Working Group on the Diabetic foot papers. The guidelines state that if a patient’s PAD is impairing wound healing, revascularization through bypass or endovascular technique must be considered except in a few cases such as severely frail patients. Limb salvage rates after revascularization procedures are about 80-85%, and there is ulcer healing in > 60% at 12 months.

Other points of particular interest to wound care professionals:

  • Patients with PAD and a foot infection are at high risk for major limb amputation, so should be treated as a “medical emergency”, preferably within 24 hours.
  • Half of patients with diabetes, a foot ulcer, and PAD die within 5 years because of higher cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Cardiovascular risk management should include “support for cessation of smoking, treatment of hypertension, and prescription of a statin as well as low-dose aspirin or clopidrogel.

AHA statement focuses on PAD in women

A call to action: Women and peripheral artery disease: A scientific statement from the American Heart Association” summarizes evidence in this area and addresses risk-management issues. The statement notes that women (particularly black females) are more likely than men to experience graft failure of limb loss and calls for more research related to PAD and gender.

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