Laughlin Center Named Wound Care Center Of The Year

Laughlin Center for Wound Care and Hyperbarics

Laughlin Center for Wound Care and Hyperbarics has been honored as the Wound Care Center of the Year as well as recognized with a national award for continued excellence in wound healing by Healogics Inc., a wound care management company.

Leaders, physicians and clinicians from Laughlin Center for Wound Care and Hyperbarics recently gathered to celebrate the center’s receipt of the Robert A. Warriner III Center of Excellence award, according to a news release.


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Control your claims: Pressure ulcer/wound care management

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

One of many dreaded tags from a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Survey is F-Tag 314 — Pressure ulcers.

CMS writes, “Each resident must receive and the facility must provide the necessary care and services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being, in accordance with the comprehensive assessment and plan of care.” (more…)

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Covenant Health Wound Care Experts Earn National, Regional Recognition

Covenant Health

LUBBOCK, TX (NEWS RELEASE) – The Covenant Center for Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine has been honored as a Wound Care Center® of the Year by Healogics, Inc., the nation’s leading and largest wound care management company. The center also was awarded Center of Distinction and the President’s Circle Award.

The center has achieved patient satisfaction rates higher than 92 percent, a healing rate of at least 91 percent in less than 31 median days and healed almost 90 percent of its patients in less than 14 weeks. Out of the 630 Centers eligible in 2016, only seven centers across the country received this prestigious award. Covenant’s center was awarded as Center of the Year for the southwest region, which includes Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexico. (more…)

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Morrison Community Hospital offers specialized Wound Care

Morrison Community Hospital Wound Care

Wound care is a specialized form of treatment that focuses on helping patients recover from all types of wounds, both acute and chronic (ongoing).  The most common types of wounds are those that result from acute injuries, surgical procedures, diabetes, and pressure or bed sores.  Wounds can also result from radiation procedures that are part of a treatment plan for cancer, and they can be a result of vascular disorders. (more…)

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Revealing Advanced Wound Care Market Growth Factors

Revealing Advanced Wound Care Market Growth Factors

At a time when governments are under pressure to reduce healthcare costs, the global advanced wound care market is growing, driven by an aging population and rising incidences of chronic wounds.

Advanced wound care products are typically used to manage complex wounds, including burns, chronic wounds and complex trauma and surgical wounds. Chronic and complex wounds represent one of the predominant challenges to global healthcare systems because they are hard to heal and expensive to treat. (more…)

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ETS Wound Care wins FDA nod for Mirragen wound matrix

ETS Wound Care

ROLLA, Mo.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ETS Wound Care LLC, an Engineered Tissue Solutions (ETS) subsidiary focused on commercializing next generation wound care solutions, announced MIRRAGEN™ Advanced Wound Matrix was cleared by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of acute and chronic wounds. MIRRAGEN™ is a fully resorbable borate glass matrix comprised of fibers and beads proven to be highly effective in wound care management.

MIRRAGEN™ represents a breakthrough discovery for chronic and acute wound management due to its unique borate-based fiber matrix. MIRRAGEN™ is packed into wounds to manage and control wound fluids, while the resorbable matrix provides an environment for optimal wound healing. To learn more about the technology, click here. (more…)

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Wound Care Swagger

By: Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOCN, WCC, CWCMS, DWC

I was thrilled to be asked to write a blog for Wound Care Advisor. They asked me to come up with a name for the blog. I thought it would be easy… NOT ! I found myself doing all this research on how to make up a good name that would be catchy and memorable. I reached out to all my wound care friends for ideas and started a long list of names. Every morning I would look at this list and add more. Then I said I had to STOP THE INSANITY! I had to refocus and asked myself… who are you writing the blog for? It’s for people like me! I am a nurse that is in love with wound care, I have been in this field for almost two decades—ouch! that just dated me. I started at bedside then moved to an educator role co-founding the Wound Care Education Institute where we have taught over 16,000 clinicians, spreading the knowledge of Wound Care so they can make a difference in their patients’ lives. I am that person that “gets the rush” every time I see a wound. (more…)

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Nutritional Supplements

Wound healing and nutrition go hand in hand. Without adequate fluids, calories, and protein, wound healing can be delayed.

Protein is extremely important in wound healing. Patients with wounds require almost double the protein intake (1.2 to 1.5 g/kg/day) of those without wounds. All stages of wound healing require adequate protein. The basis of the human body structure, protein is responsible for making enzymes involved in wound healing, cell multiplication, and collagen and connective-tissue building. (more…)

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Support surfaces

Support surfaces are geared for managing our patients’ tissue load and redistributing it to prevent skin breakdown. There are three types of pressure redistribution mattresses available, classified as group 1, group 2, and group 3.  Group 1 mattresses lack a power source and maintain a constant state of inflation.  They include foam mattresses, gel mattresses, and air mattresses.  Group 2 support surfaces, such as powered, low-air-loss, and alternating pressure mattresses use inflation and deflation to spread the tissue load over a large surface area. Group 3 mattresses include the air-fluidized mattress, a special type of powered mattress that provides the highest-pressure redistribution via a fluid-like medium created by forcing air through beads, as characterized by immersion and envelopment. (more…)

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Pressure ulcer staging

By Nancy Morgan, RN, BSN, MBA, WOCN, WCC, CWCMS, DWC
Staging pressure ulcers can get tricky, especially when we’re dealing with a suspected deep-tissue injury (SDTI). The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel defines an SDTI as a “purple or maroon localized area of discolored intact skin or blood-filled blister due to damage of underlying soft tissue from pressure and/or shear. The area may be preceded by tissue that is painful, firm, mushy, boggy, warmer, or cooler as compared to adjacent tissue… Deep tissue injury may be difficult to detect in individuals with dark skin tones. Evolution may include a thin blister over a dark wound bed. The wound may further evolve and become covered by thin eschar. Evolution may be rapid, exposing additional layers of tissue even with optimal treatment.” (more…)

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Exudate amounts

We’ve talked about types of exudate (drainage). Now let’s consider the amount of exudate in wounds, which is a key part of our assessment.

No exudate present: The wound is too dry.
Scant amount of exudate present: The wound is moist, even though no measurable amount of exudate appears on the dressing.
Small or minimal amount of exudate on the dressing: Exudate covers less than 25% of the bandage. (more…)

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