Electrically charged bandages help to heal burn wounds, combat antibiotic resistance

Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center researchers have created electrically charged bandages that can combat antibiotic resistance, enable healing in burn wounds, and help prevent infections. When the dressing comes in contact with bodily fluids it becomes electrically activated.

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Herpes zoster: Understanding the disease, its treatment, and prevention

Herpes zoster: Understanding the disease, its treatment, and prevention

Herpes zoster (HZ, also called shingles) is a painful condition that produces a maculopapular and vesicular rash. Usually, the rash appears along a single dermatome (band) around one side of the body or face.

In most cases, pain, tingling, burning, or itching occurs a few days before the rash. Next, blisters form, scabbing over in 7 to 10 days. In rare cases, the rash is widespread, resembling varicella zoster (VZ, or chickenpox) rash. Pain can range from mild to severe and may be dull, burning, or gnawing. It may last weeks, months, or even years after the blisters heal. Shingles on the face may impair vision or hearing. (more…)

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Clinician Resources

Wound patient’s bill of rights

The Association for Advancement of Wound Care has developed the “Wound Care Patient’s Bill of Rights.” The 10 points include the right to:

know what wound treatment options are available to you

know the benefits, risks, and side effects of your wound care treatments

participate in the development of your treatment plan with your wound care team

have your pain adequately controlled.

The bill of rights is available in both English and Spanish. (more…)

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