Mastering the art of meetings

By Toni Ann Loftus, MBA, RN, MHA

Meetings are a powerful communication tool. They bring together people who can look at an issue from their own unique perspective and contribute to a solution acceptable to many disciplines. Generally, meetings are held to:

• discuss common issues
• brainstorm ideas for solving specific concerns
• make collaborative decisions about a shared concern or problem. (more…)

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A young Black scientist discovered a pivotal leprosy treatment in the 1920s − but an older colleague took the credit

Dr. Isabel Kerr, a European missionary, administering to a patient a chaulmoogra oil treatment in 1915, prior to the invention of the Ball Method. George McGlashan Kerr, CC BY

By Mark M. Lambert, Des Moines University

Hansen’s disease, also called leprosy, is treatable today – and that’s partly thanks to a curious tree and the work of a pioneering young scientist in the 1920s. Centuries prior to her discovery, sufferers had no remedy for leprosy’s debilitating symptoms or its social stigma.

This young scientist, Alice Ball, laid fundamental groundwork for the first effective leprosy treatment globally. But her legacy still prompts conversations about the marginalization of women and people of color in science today.

As a bioethicist and historian of medicine, I’ve studied Ball’s contributions to medicine, and I’m pleased to see her receive increasing recognition for her work, especially on a disease that remains stigmatized.

Who was Alice Ball?

Alice Augusta Ball, born in Seattle, Washington, in 1892, became the first woman and first African American to earn a master’s degree in science from the College of Hawaii in 1915, after completing her studies in pharmaceutical chemistry the year prior.

After she finished her master’s degree, the college hired her as a research chemist and instructor, and she became the first African American with that title in the chemistry department.

Impressed by her master’s thesis on the chemistry of the kava plant, Dr. Harry Hollmann with the Leprosy Investigation Station of the U.S. Public Health Service in Hawaii recruited Ball. At the time, leprosy was a major public health issue in Hawaii.

Doctors now understand that leprosy, also called Hansen’s disease, is minimally contagious. But in 1865, the fear and stigma associated with leprosy led authorities in Hawaii to implement a mandatory segregation policy, which ultimately isolated those with the disease on a remote peninsula on the island of Molokai. In 1910, over 600 leprosy sufferers were living in Molokai.

This policy overwhelmingly affected Native Hawaiians, who accounted for over 90% of all those exiled to Molokai.

The significance of chaulmoogra oil

Doctors had attempted to use nearly every remedy imaginable to treat leprosy, even experimenting with dangerous substances such as arsenic and strychnine. But the lone consistently effective treatment was chaulmoogra oil.

Chaulmoogra oil is derived from the seeds of the chaulmoogra tree. Health practitioners in India and Burma had been using this oil for centuries as a treatment for various skin diseases. But there were limitations with the treatment, and it had only marginal effects on leprosy.

The oil is very thick and sticky, which makes it hard to rub into the skin. The drug is also notoriously bitter, and patients who ingested it would often start vomiting. Some physicians experimented with injections of the oil, but this produced painful pustules.

Dr. Isabel Kerr, a European missionary, administering to a patient a chaulmoogra oil treatment in 1915, prior to the invention of the Ball Method. George McGlashan Kerr, CC BY
Dr. Isabel Kerr, a European missionary, administering to a patient a chaulmoogra oil treatment in 1915, prior to the invention of the Ball Method. George McGlashan Kerr, CC BY

The Ball Method

If researchers could harness chaulmoogra’s curative potential without the nasty side effects, the tree’s seeds could revolutionize leprosy treatment. So, Hollmann turned to Ball. In a 1922 article, Hollmann documents how the 23-year-old Ball discovered how to chemically adapt chaulmoogra into an injection that had none of the side effects.

The Ball Method, as Hollmann called her discovery, transformed chaulmoogra oil into the most effective treatment for leprosy until the introduction of sulfones in the late 1940s.

In 1920, the Ball Method successfully treated 78 patients in Honolulu. A year later, it treated 94 more, with the Public Health Service noting that the morale of all the patients drastically improved. For the first time, there was hope for a cure.

Tragically, Ball did not have the opportunity to revel in this achievement, as she passed away within a year at only 24, likely from exposure to chlorine gas in the lab.

Ball’s legacy, lost and found

Ball’s death meant she didn’t have the opportunity to publish her research. Arthur Dean, chair of the College of Hawaii’s chemistry department, took over the project.

Dean mass-produced the treatment and published a series of articles on chaulmoogra oil. He renamed Ball’s method the “Dean Method,” and he never credited Ball for her work.

Ball’s other colleagues did attempt to protect Ball’s legacy. A 1920 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association praises the Ball Method, while Hollmann clearly credits Ball in his own 1922 article.

Ball is described at length in a 1922 article in volume 15, issue 5, of Current History, an academic publication on international affairs. That feature is excerpted in a June 1941 issue of Carter G. Woodson’s “Negro History Bulletin,” referring to Ball’s achievement and untimely death.

Joseph Dutton, a well-regarded religious volunteer at the leprosy settlements on Molokai, further referenced Ball’s work in a 1932 memoir broadly published for a popular audience.

Historians such as Paul Wermager later prompted a modern reckoning with Ball’s poor treatment by Dean and others, ensuring that Ball received proper credit for her work. Following Wermager’s and others’ work, the University of Hawaii honored Ball in 2000 with a bronze plaque, affixed to the last remaining chaulmoogra tree on campus.

In 2019, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine added Ball’s name to the outside of its building. Ball’s story was even featured in a 2020 short film, “The Ball Method.”

The Ball Method represents both a scientific achievement and a history of marginalization. A young woman of color pioneered a medical treatment for a highly stigmatizing disease that disproportionately affected an already disenfranchised Indigenous population.

In 2022, then-Gov. David Ige declared Feb. 28 Alice Augusta Ball Day in Hawaii. It was only fitting that the ceremony took place on the Mānoa campus in the shade of the chaulmoogra tree.The Conversation

Mark M. Lambert, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine, Medical Humanities, and Bioethics, Des Moines University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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2018 American Nurse Today Education Guide

Moving ahead with your nursing education

Deciding to continue your education is exciting as well as daunting. You’ll need support from your friends and family, as well as your colleagues and fellow students. But you also can get support from the nursing profession. In this article, you’ll find information about a variety of resources to aid you along this next step in your career.

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2017-2018 Education Guide Read More

Wound care technology invented at S&T hits marketplace

Wound care technology invented at S&T

A glass-based wound care product that emerged from research by a doctoral student at Missouri University of Science and Technology has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for human use and is now available on the commercial market.

Steve Jung laid the groundwork for the Mirragen Advanced Wound Matrix while earning a master’s degree in ceramic engineering and a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering at Missouri S&T. Jung is now chief technology officer at Mo-Sci Corp., a Rolla specialty glass manufacturer that continued the product’s development in collaboration with ETS Wound Care, also of Rolla. (more…)

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What does it mean to participate in a wound care clinical trial?

By Susan Beard, RN, BS, CWOCN

Suppose you’re reading an article on a new product that states the product has been through a series of clinical trials before marketing. What does this mean? Who was involved? As a clinician, could you initiate or be involved in a clinical trial of a new product? Who are clinical trial subjects, and what’s it like for them to be involved in a clinical study?

A clinical trial starts as an idea. As clinicians, we often use our critical-thinking skills to imagine a product or method of practice we think could be created or improved on to better meet our patients’ needs. The idea begins to grow and a series of events begins. (more…)

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Helping Sandwich Generation nurses find a work-life balance

By Kari Olson Finnegan, BSN, and Liz Ferron, MSW, LICSW

If you have at least one parent age 65 or older and are raising children or financially supporting a child age 18 or older, you’re part of the Sandwich Generation. Coined in 1981 by social worker Dorothy Miller, the term originally referred to women, generally in their 30s and 40s, who were “sandwiched” between young kids, spouses, employers, and aging parents. While the underlying concept remains the same, over time the definition has expanded to include men and to encompass a larger age range, reflecting the trends of delayed childbearing, grown children moving back home, and elderly parents living longer. The societal phenomenon of the Sandwich Generation increasingly is linked to higher levels of stress and financial uncertainty, as well as such downstream effects as depression and greater health impacts in caregivers. (more…)

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An easy tool for tracking pressure ulcer data

pressure ulcer tracking tool

By David L. Johnson, NHA, RAC-CT

As a senior quality improvement specialist with IPRO, the Quality Improvement Organization for New York State over the past 11 years, I’ve been tasked with helping skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) embrace the process of continuous quality improvement. A necessary component of this effort has been to collect, understand, and analyze timely and accurate data. This article discusses a free tool I developed to help SNFs track their data related to pressure ulcers and focus their quality improvement efforts for the greatest impact. (more…)

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Ramblings of an Itinerant Wound Care Guy

Renaissance and the New Golden Rule

by Dr. Michael Miller

To paraphrase Carol Ann from the Movie Poltergeist…”He’s Baaaaaaaaack” !  At the end of this past May, I had a sudden and disappointing parting of the ways from my prior blog host when I discovered the newest version of the Golden Rule…those that have the gold, make the rules. Is it possible to be too opinionated? Does the textual asbestos statement at the bottom of almost every web page regarding the dissociation between the hosts and the writer’s opinions really have any meaning?  I am nonetheless extremely grateful to my prior hosts for allowing me the bytes to educate, illuminate and aggravate. The silent majority, mostly practitioners and patients who appreciate the inside story versus those with the gold (who don’t mind independent thinking, as long as it comes in their flavor of Kool-Aid) have both spoken.

But as PT Barnum said “’There’s no such thing as bad publicity’ and so, recognizing that more and more people are looking for a shoulder to cry on, a voice of reason, and the company that misery loves, “Ramblings of an Itinerant Wound Care Guy” re-emerges with this blog.  I want to assure you that I have always relished comments and criticism both of which are proudly posted along with the blog, as long as you agree with me.

But enough fanfare and bravado and back to the bastion of wound dabblers anonymous.  My three-month involuntary hiatus did little to quench the fires of indignation regarding medicine in general and wound care in particular.  I had the great honor recently of meeting one of the creators of the wound care protocols for a large wound management organization.  My initial disdain at our handshake turned to admiration as he explained with great pride, how the guidelines were created for diagnosis and care at their facilities.  His background in wound care was impressive and his passion for care was the purest.  However, in keeping with the mantra that “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”, he related how his master plan had become intellectual oatmeal as the docs and nurses reverted to prior, Neanderthal practices.  One of the major flies in his ointment was the fact that at least one facility under management had a huge number of men over 70 in treatment including hyperbarics with 100% having the diagnosis of venous insufficiency.  Not a single mention of an arterial or diabetic etiology.  When he brought it to the medical directors attention, the response was simply that was what had been diagnosed.  He has since gone on to what he hopes are greener pastures. As far as the pitiful remnants of the wound caregivers he left behind, we agreed that they all deserve to be patient in their own centers.

To my prior readers who once again have elected to join in on the cacophony of intolerance or a newbie who on the advice of a friend decided to see what that crazy guy is writing about this month, I offer you my thanks and a promise to ignore the golden rule whenever and wherever I can.  And by the way…the opinions of the statements made in this blog do not reflect those of the web site, the publisher or the editors…Got it.

Until we ramble next time.

Click here to return to Dr. Miller’s Ramblings of an Itinerant Wound Care Guy Blog page.


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, Wound Care Advisor. All clinical recommendations are intended to assist with determining the appropriate wound therapy for the patient. Responsibility for final decisions and actions related to care of specific patients shall remain the obligation of the institution, its staff, and the patients’ attending physicians. Nothing in this information shall be deemed to constitute the providing of medical care or the diagnosis of any medical condition. Individuals should contact their healthcare providers for medical-related information.

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How to love and care for yourself unconditionally

By Yolanda G. Smith, MSN, RN, CCRN

Are you able to relax, have fun, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life? Or do you:

  • have trouble falling or staying asleep?
  • smoke, drink, or eat to reduce tension?
  • have headaches, back pain, or stomach problems?
  • get irritated or upset over insignificant things?
  • have too much to do and too little time to do it?


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2014 Journal: January February Vol. 3 No. 1

Wound Care Advisor Journal 2014 Vol3 No1

When and how to culture a chronic wound

Chronic wound infections are a significant healthcare burden, contributing to increased morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospitalization, limb loss, and higher medical costs. What’s more, they pose a potential sepsis risk for patients. For wound care providers, the goal is to eliminate the infection before these consequences arise.

Most chronic wounds are colonized by polymicrobial aerobic-anaerobic microflora. However, practitioners continue to debate whether wound cultures are relevant. Typically, chronic wounds aren’t cultured unless the patient has signs and symptoms of infection, which vary depending on whether the wound is acute or chronic.

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A case of missed care

By Lydia A. Meyers RN, MSN, CWCN Missed care, a relatively new concept in the medical community, refers to any part ofrequired patient care that is omitted of delayed. It’s not the same as a mistake or error, but like them, missed care can negatively affect patient outcomes. I want to share the case of a patient admitted into home…

Avoid surprises when connecting between care settings

By Jeri Lundgren, BSN, RN, PHN, CWS, CWCN As wound care clinicians, we know that an interdisciplinary, holistic approach to prevention and management of a wound is crucial to positive outcomes, no matter where the patient is being seen. Yet too often when a patient transfers from one care setting to another, the only wound information that’s communicated is the…

Clinical Notes: diabetic foot osteomyelitis, BIA, footwear

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Fifty shades of wound care at home

By Beth Hoffmire Heideman, MSN, BSN, RN, WCC, DWC, OMS Fifty shades of wound care at home refers to treating the whole patient and the patient’s caregiving supporters—not just the wound. Only by understanding the nuances, or shades, of a patient and his or her environment can clinicians best achieve desired outcomes. Wound healing in home care depends on teamwork.…

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions?

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Managing chronic venous leg ulcers — what’s the latest evidence?

Managing venous stasis ulcers

By Kulbir Dhillon, MSN, FNP, APNP, WCC Venous disease, which encompasses all conditions caused by or related to diseased or abnormal veins, affects about 15% of adults. When mild, it rarely poses a problem, but as it worsens, it can become crippling and chronic. Chronic venous disease often is overlooked by primary and cardiovascular care providers, who underestimate its magnitude…

Mastering the art of meetings

By Toni Ann Loftus, MBA, RN, MHA Meetings are a powerful communication tool. They bring together people who can look at an issue from their own unique perspective and contribute to a solution acceptable to many disciplines. Generally, meetings are held to: • discuss common issues • brainstorm ideas for solving specific concerns • make collaborative decisions about a shared…

Quality-improvement initiative: Classifying and documenting surgical wounds

By Jennifer Zinn, MSN, RN, CNS-BC, CNOR, and Vangela Swofford, BSN, RN, ASQ-CSSBB For surgical patients, operative wound classification is crucial in predicting postoperative surgical site infections (SSIs) and associated risks. Information about a patient’s wound typically is collected by circulating registered nurses (RNs) and documented at the end of every surgical procedure.

how to culture a chronic wound

When and how to culture a chronic wound

By Marcia Spear, DNP, ACNP-BC, CWS, CPSN Chronic wound infections are a significant healthcare burden, contributing to increased morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospitalization, limb loss, and higher medical costs. What’s more, they pose a potential sepsis risk for patients. For wound care providers, the goal is to eliminate the infection before these consequences arise. Most chronic wounds are colonized by…

2014 Journal: January February Vol. 3 No. 1

Click here to access the digital edition

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Skin problems with chronic venous insufficiency and phlebolymphedema

Dermatologic difficulties: Skin problems in patients with chronic venous insufficiency and phlebolymphedema By Nancy Chatham, RN, MSN, ANP-BC, CWOCN, CWS; Lori Thomas, MS, OTR/L, CLT-LANA; and Michael Molyneaux, MD

Skin problems associated with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and phlebolymphedema are common and often difficult to treat. The CVI cycle of skin and soft tissue injury from chronic disease processes can be unrelenting. If not properly identified and treated, these skin problems can impede the prompt treatment of lymphedema and reduce a patient’s quality of life.

This article reviews skin problems that occur in patients with CVI and phlebo­lymphedema and discusses the importance of using a multidisciplinary team approach to manage these patients. (more…)

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