Why not call it a pressure ulcer?

By: Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS

The most basic principle of healing a wound is to determine the cause—and then remove it. This is easier said than done, as many wounds have similar characteristics and we don’t always know all the facts leading up to the wound.
The process has been unnecessarily complicated by the recent pressure (no pun intended) to avoid at all costs calling a pressure ulcer a pressure ulcer. I use the term “unnecessarily” because it doesn’t matter what it’s called—a pressure ulcer, decubitus, “de-cube,” or bedsore—because in the end, the general idea is it’s bad news.
So what’s behind the desire to avoid calling it a pressure ulcer? First, a pressure ulcer has traditionally been equated to poor nursing care. As Florence Night­in­gale, the “Mother of Nursing,” wrote:
If he has a bedsore, it’s generally not the fault of the disease, but of the nursing.”
No one likes to feel that he or she gave poor care, and as more hospital complications data are available to the public, reports of complications such as pressure ulcers affect people’s perceptions—right or wrong—about the care a hospital delivers.
The second reason gets at the “at all costs” part of the desire. The recent attention given to Medicare’s “present on admission” rule and “never” events has
elevated pressure ulcers high up the chain of “no-no’s” and put the hospital at risk for nonreimbursement. And many private insurers have followed Medicare’s lead in denying coverage for pressure ulcers that occur in the hospital. Unfortunately, all the focus on reimbursement is beginning to challenge even the best wound care experts, who simply want to get the patient’s wound healed.
Pressure from upper management has resulted in experts trying to bargain and rationalize their way out of calling it what it is (a pressure ulcer), instead calling it a bruise, not a deep-tissue injury. Or saying, “This is a shearing ulcer, not a pressure ulcer.” Or, my favorite: “It’s not an ischial pressure ulcer but a diabetic ulcer because the patient is a diabetic.” Wound care experts are being forced to question and doubt themselves because money, quality assurance, and reputation are on the line when an in-house wound is labeled a pressure ulcer.
Like crime scene investigation, determining wound etiology requires us to gather all the facts. Once the facts are in, systematically comparing and contrasting the clinical findings aids differential identification to pin down the type of wound present. It’s important that we assess and investigate all the following when searching for the cause:
•    patient’s medical history
•    recent activities (such as surgery, extensive X-rays, or long emergency-
department waits)
•    comorbidities
•    specific wound characteristics, such as location, distribution, shape, wound bed, and surrounding skin.

Naming the wound is an important first step in intervening. If the wound is caused by pressure, call it a pressure ulcer and jump into action. Remove the cause, heal the wound, and prevent further breakdown. Don’t let yourself be influenced by those who aren’t experts in wound care.

Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS
Wound Care Advisor
Cofounder, Wound Care Education Institute
Plainfield, Illinois

Selected reference
Nightingale F. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, And What It Is Not. London: Harrison and Sons; 1859. http://ia600204.us.archive.org/17/items/notes

Accessed August 30, 2012.

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Network effectively

By Joan C. Borgatti, MEd, RN

Sherry stands nervously in the doorway, watching several dozen people chat each other up. The sound of her heartbeat threatens to drown out the conversational din. For the people on the other side of the door, this is a networking event. But for Sherry, it seems like a swap meet of business cards.
If Sherry sounds like you, know that you’re not alone. For many people, networking means an awkward evening spent cradling a wine glass in one hand, thrusting a business card at someone with the other hand, and exchanging small talk.

“Hello. My name is…”

Networking is one of the most overused, misunderstood, and underestimated terms in the business world (and yes, that includes health care). Actually, networking is just a newish term for an activity that has been around for millennia. Savvy people have always seen the wisdom of seeking out others who can help them get ahead.
Simply put, networking is an information exchange, a forum for communicating your needs or agenda and, in return, listening and responding to others’ needs or agendas. Good networking requires emotional reciprocity, which means caring about the needs and agendas of the people you network with. Caring about others’ needs is what nurses do, so networking really shouldn’t be that difficult for a nurse.
Think of networking as a great opportunity to make yourself known, gather critical information, and meet people who can help you now and in the future. Through networking, you can make contacts that further your agenda—whether it’s to find
a mentor, get information on a program you’re interested in, change jobs, or advance from your current position.
Networking isn’t just who you know, but who knows you. If you listen to other networkers and give them the resources they seek (as by introducing them to key people or sharing valuable information), they’ll become grateful—and indebted—networking colleagues.

Set a networking goal

At a networking event, the idea isn’t to meet the greatest number of people possible in one evening. It’s to meet the “right” people—those who can help you realize your goal.
When approaching a networking situation, ask yourself, “What do I want this experience to lead to?” You’ll be much more effective if you have a laser-focused goal. The most successful networker isn’t the one who walks away with the most business cards. It’s the one who leaves with the contacts and information he or she had been seeking.

A tale of two networkers

To demonstrate this point, let’s take the case of two wound care specialists, Myrna and Doris—colleagues who’ve carpooled together to a meeting of their professional organization.
Myrna arrives with an agenda and a plan for the evening: She wants to develop a wound care speakers bureau to boost the community profile of staff at her facility. She seeks out several speakers, who give her valuable tips on how to market her expertise. She also shares her vision of a speakers bureau with attendees from other facilities—and is surprised by the support and tips they offer. She leaves the meeting with valuable information that can further her vision. On the way home, she jots down a reminder to send one of the people she met an article he might find helpful. She also makes notes about what she learned tonight, so she can follow up that week. Clearly, Myrna’s networking has been effective.
Doris, on the other hand, goes to the meeting unfocused. She meanders about the room speaking with a lot of attendees, and exchanges a few business cards. But the “Where-do-you-work?” conversations that ensue provide little insight. Although she enjoys the meeting somewhat, she has accomplished little. That’s understandable, as she set out with no goals. She might have been better off spending the night watching television.

Networking etiquette

To succeed at networking, learn networking etiquette. Rule #1: Turn off your cell phone—or at least put the ringer on vibrate. If you absolutely must take a phone call, discreetly leave the room.
More etiquette advice:
• Wear your name tag on your left lapel so you don’t block your name when shaking hands. If you fill out the name tag yourself, print clearly so your name and title are visible from about 5 feet away. That way, others won’t need to squint at your chest to read your name.
• Keep your handshake firm and friendly. Don’t hang on, and don’t pump! Remember to make eye contact, and smile.
• Keep breath mints handy. Networking usually takes place around drinks and food, and the first thing that greets a new contact shouldn’t be the garlic and onion dip.
• Keep your business cards handy (a business card holder is best), but don’t throw them at everyone you meet. Hand your business card to a contact so it’s right side up and facing that person. When someone hands you a business card, take a moment to look at it; then say thank you and carefully put it away. It’s disrespectful to deface a business card, so don’t write on the back of it.

What happens next?

Okay—you’ve set an agenda, attended the networking event without violating etiquette, and made some good contacts. Now what? This is where many people drop the ball. They fail to follow through on the contacts they make and the information they gain. They simply shove the contacts’ business cards into a Rolodex, where they will sit forgotten.
Instead of letting business cards collect dust, develop a system that helps you follow through with your contacts—whether it’s an electronic tool, a simple calendar notation, or a color-coded filing system. Jot down contact information on each
person you met, along with a summary
of your conversations, when you need to follow up, and so forth. Make the system work for you.
Next, follow through with appropriate communication. Send handwritten thank-you notes to the contacts who gave you valuable information or resources—for instance, those who introduced you to a key player or offered to make a phone call on your behalf. If possible, your note should mention how that information worked out for you. (See Seven steps to effective networking by clicking the PDf icon above.)
In the coming weeks, months, or years, keep these relationships alive and thriving by sending tips or information to each contact. If you see a newspaper article or Internet story about a topic a particular contact was interested in, send it to him or her. This shows you’re thinking about that person, and conveys your generosity and willingness to continue a reciprocal relationship.

Make it happen

Networking opportunities can happen anywhere. Don’t wait for them—create them. Pinpoint your goal, identify the key people who can help make it happen—and then network! It’s as simple as picking up the phone, sending an e-mail, or meeting over lunch. With a little effort, networking can be an enjoyable and valuable career resource.

Selected references
Ames G. Follow-up after the networking meeting and job interview. www.garyames.net/5-followupaftermeet.htm. Accessed August 15, 2012.

Wiklund P. Follow up: key to networking success. Approved Articles Website. www.approvedarticles.com/Article/Follow-up—Key-to-Networking-Success/5022. Accessed August 15, 2012.

Joan C. Borgatti, MEd, RN, is the owner of Borgatti Communications in Wellesley Hills, Mass., which provides writing, editing, and coaching services. You may e-mail her at [email protected].

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Clinician Resources

Here are a variety of resources related to quality that wound care clinicians may find valuable.

Home Health Quality Improvement National Campaign

If you are interested in home care, you’ll want to visit The Home Health Quality Improvement (HHQI) National Campaign’s website. HHQI is a grassroots project of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services designed “to unite home health stakeholders and multiple health care settings under the shared vision of reducing avoidable hospitalizations and improving medication management.”
The many available free resources on the campaign’s website include:
•    webinars; for example, “Hospital Readmissions and the Role of Home Care”
•    best practice innovation packages, including ones on medication management and fall prevention.

You must register to obtain some of the resources.

◊   http://www.homehealthquality.org/hh/default.aspx

Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively

Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively (RARE) is a campaign in Minnesota that is working with hospitals and care providers to prevent hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge.
Even if you aren’t in Minnesota, you can access resources such as a webinars. Past webinars include “Involving Patients and Families in Reducing Avoidable Readmissions” and “Home Care and Reducing Hospital Readmissions.”
You can also download “Recommended Actions for Improved Transitions,” which covers five key areas: patient and family engagement and activation, medication management, comprehensive transition planning, care transition support, and transition communication.

◊   http://rarereadmissions.org/resources/RARE_Report_2012_06.html


Effective communication is essential for any quality initiative to be successful. TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system that improves communication through train-ing and tools. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Defense Department have teamed up to provide
resources for implementing Team STEPPS.
Tools include:
•    Core TeamSTEPPS Training Curriculum Materials
•    TeamSTEPPS Rapid Response Systems (RRS) Training Module
•    TeamSTEPPS Teamwork Perception Questionnaire
•    Pocket Guide that summarizes TeamSTEPPS principles in a portable, easy-
to-use format.

The educational materials contain information that clinicians can integrate into their practice. Video vignettes illustrate how failures in teamwork and communication can place patients in jeopardy and how successful teams can work to improve patient outcomes.
You can order free TeamSTEPPS materials, which are available online.

◊   http://teamstepps.ahrq.gov

Institute for Healthcare Improvement

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement is an independent, not-for-profit organization that focuses on testing new models of care, disseminating best practices, and building the will to change to improve health care.
Among the many resources on the website:
•    tools such as “Self-Management Toolkit for People with Chronic Conditions and Their Families”
•    useful publications
•    white papers such as “Using Care
Bundles to Improve Health Care
•    case studies of successful strategies
•    audio and video broadcasts
•    links to other helpful websites.

Registration is free.

◊   http://www.ihi.org/Pages/default.aspx   

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Foam dressing

By Nancy Morgan, MBA, BSN, RN, WOC, WCC, CWCMS, DWC

Each month, Apple Bites brings you a tool you can apply in your daily practice.


•    Semipermeable polyurethane foam dressing
•    Nonadherent and nonlinting
•    Hydrophobic or waterproof outer layer
•    Provides moist wound environment
•    Permeable to water vapor but blocks entry of bacteria and contaminants
•    Available in various thicknesses with or without adhesive borders
•    Available in pads, sheets, and cavity dressings (more…)

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“Ouch! That hurts!”

By Donna Sardina, RN, MHA, WCC, CWCMS, DWC, OMS

Wound pain can have a profound effect on a person’s life and is one of the most devastating aspects of living with a wound. In addition to pharmaceutical options, wound care clinicians should consider other key aspects of care that can alleviate pain. Here is a checklist to ensure you are thorough in your assessment. (more…)

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