Moving ahead with your nursing education
Deciding to continue your education is exciting as well as daunting. You’ll need support from your friends and family, as well as your colleagues and fellow students. But you also can get support from the nursing profession. In this article, you’ll find information about a variety of resources to aid you along this next step in your career.
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Ready, set, go… to school!
With 79.6% of employers now requiring or having a strong preference for nurses with a baccalaureate degree and a growing demand for nurses, there’s no better time to return to school.
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Frontiers of nursing education
In the first quarter of the 21st century, nursing education is an amalgam of traditional classrooms, innovativeeducational tracks, and technology-enhanced training. This new frontier is geared toward the learning and lifestyle needs of students and the changing healthcare environment in which new RNs will care for patients.
Is an accelerated nursing program right for you?
Are you up for the challenge of an accelerated nursing program? You can earn your degree quickly and be off the races in your career, but these programs require dedication, self-discipline, and an ability to immerse yourself in the learning experience.
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Returning to nursing school? Keys to success
Congratulations! You have decided to pursue additional nursing education and been accepted at the program of your choice. You’re happy—right? But you also may be feeling a bit anxious, especially if you haven’t been in school for a while. This article offers tips about how to get organized and stay engaged with fellow students and faculty, as well as steps you can take to enhance your computer and writing skills.
Ready to change specialties?
The opportunities within nursing are practically limitless. You can choose patient care, education, pharmaceutical sales, research…the list goes on and on. That’s part of the challenge. With so many choices, you need to know yourself and what you want as well as understand what will be required to get you to this next stage in your career.
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Lifelong Learning: Is a postmaster’s certificate the right option for you
Pursuing a postmaster’s certificate is a great way to advance your career. As you explore program options, pay particular attention to admission requirements, program length, delivery method, and costs. You’ll want all of these factors to align with your professional goals and personal circumstances.
Interprofessional education
Imagine the depth of knowledge you would gain by learning along side students in other healthcare disciplines. In education settings that embrace interprofessional education, students learn with, from, and about each other to enable effective communication and improve patient outcomes.
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Can nursing meet the 80/2020 goal?
In 2010, a goal was set to have 80% of nurses with BSNs by 2020. Read this article to find out what kind of progress we’ve made so far.
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Your doctorate and the path to persistence
High attrition rates for doctoral nursing students (reported to be as much as 50%) in the face of an increasing demand for PhD-prepared nursing faculty is a growing concern. So, what’s at the crux of this problem and how do we solve it? When I was a doctoral student, I researched how other doctoral students balanced work, family, and school. The goal was to learn more about the strategies used by these students.
[read more ->]2017-2018 Education Guide